There's always that pattern, it used to always got a server crash the day before maintenance, cos the server just couldn't hold on another day.
But I'd rather a little lag then having down time every week.
Shadow_Viper_vX wrote: »Years ago automatic anti-bot measures were introduced into the game which really hurt performance/lag.
Didn't really help with the bots, just made the game take a major hit to performance and lag issues way more frequent.
Important part starts around twelve minutes, this video explains it perfectly.
AzraelKrieg wrote: »Shadow_Viper_vX wrote: »Years ago automatic anti-bot measures were introduced into the game which really hurt performance/lag.
Didn't really help with the bots, just made the game take a major hit to performance and lag issues way more frequent.
Important part starts around twelve minutes, this video explains it perfectly.
Your post, just like every other time you've made it, is completely irrelevant. Stop riding that dude like horse because surely your backside must be sore by now.
D0ntevenL1ft wrote: »AzraelKrieg wrote: »Shadow_Viper_vX wrote: »Years ago automatic anti-bot measures were introduced into the game which really hurt performance/lag.
Didn't really help with the bots, just made the game take a major hit to performance and lag issues way more frequent.
Important part starts around twelve minutes, this video explains it perfectly.
Your post, just like every other time you've made it, is completely irrelevant. Stop riding that dude like horse because surely your backside must be sore by now.
Rofl im dying because i said the same thing to him in another thread about an hour ago; nothing he ever posts is useful.