I posted this on the reddit and didnt really get any replies, so was hoping people could help me here. I wasnt really able to find answers via google, so any helps appreciated.
Anyways first off, can Sorc pets proc monster helms? Like can volatile familiar proc illambris, or even a simple deal damage for x% chance to proc helm?
I ask because I've currently got dark shades on my magNB (I know, not the meta and a waste of space, I like it though), and they dont seem to proc anything, like any helm whatsoever, its not considered a dot, or even a deal damage for a x% chance to proc.
Secondly can pets crit with their basic attacks? The Dark Shades I have as far as I can tell dont crit.... at all. Just up against a target dummy I have around 80% spell crit, which since they do magic damage they should be based off, and yeah nada.
Anyways thanks for any replies. Just wondering if this is intended or not.
When I tested this stuff out it was on Dark shades level 3, and I wouldnt be surprised if that levels just bugged, or Im extremely unlucky.