Resipsa131 wrote: »I *** you not, I finished the main quest at around level 45, crafted the set that increases your Soul Assault abilities and started hitting people in BWB from stealth with soul assault and then Jesus Beam to execute if you do it in an open field they can't line of sight you and they just die, its so dumb.
Sallington wrote: »Just jesus beam everyone while watching Netflix.
THEDKEXPERIENCE wrote: »Resipsa131 wrote: »I *** you not, I finished the main quest at around level 45, crafted the set that increases your Soul Assault abilities and started hitting people in BWB from stealth with soul assault and then Jesus Beam to execute if you do it in an open field they can't line of sight you and they just die, its so dumb.
Even at 600CP and a fully equipped end game set Soul Assault into a Radiant Oppression will melt 50% of the people you'll come across.
My best advice is to wear 5 heavy if you're gonna be in Cyrodiil. I do 5-1-1. Still, there are more ways to build a good end game Magplar than anything else.
lol i never though of this ulti... have to try it once. does it more dmg than the mage guild ultys? why no guides ever mention this?
THEDKEXPERIENCE wrote: »lol i never though of this ulti... have to try it once. does it more dmg than the mage guild ultys? why no guides ever mention this?
I keep ice comet on my DPS bar to get the extra magic bonus (50k) and soul assault on my back bar (44k magic). SA has a 73k tip value.
If you keep your SA and Radiant on different bars you can EASILY swap away from SA to RO seemlessly.
If you are wondering why there are few tutorials it is because A - it used to be very easy to break, and B - it WILL NOT WORK against really, really good players.
The upside is that you can use it to thin the heard, and it's a GREAT defense against people who try to smash you with a 2 handed sword. You make them choose to either keep smashing as planned or stop and play defense. Very few people who play that style are used to people being able to defend themselves against it. I jokingly call it the "magic shotgun noob burner".
Sallington wrote: »Just jesus beam everyone while watching Netflix.
THEDKEXPERIENCE wrote: »lol i never though of this ulti... have to try it once. does it more dmg than the mage guild ultys? why no guides ever mention this?
I keep ice comet on my DPS bar to get the extra magic bonus (50k) and soul assault on my back bar (44k magic). SA has a 73k tip value.
If you keep your SA and Radiant on different bars you can EASILY swap away from SA to RO seemlessly.
If you are wondering why there are few tutorials it is because A - it used to be very easy to break, and B - it WILL NOT WORK against really, really good players.
The upside is that you can use it to thin the heard, and it's a GREAT defense against people who try to smash you with a 2 handed sword. You make them choose to either keep smashing as planned or stop and play defense. Very few people who play that style are used to people being able to defend themselves against it. I jokingly call it the "magic shotgun noob burner".
THX to your response
i did a quick research. that set oblivion foe only buffs the dmg to soul trap and not the ulty.
could you give me a advice about equipment?
THEDKEXPERIENCE wrote: »THEDKEXPERIENCE wrote: »lol i never though of this ulti... have to try it once. does it more dmg than the mage guild ultys? why no guides ever mention this?
I keep ice comet on my DPS bar to get the extra magic bonus (50k) and soul assault on my back bar (44k magic). SA has a 73k tip value.
If you keep your SA and Radiant on different bars you can EASILY swap away from SA to RO seemlessly.
If you are wondering why there are few tutorials it is because A - it used to be very easy to break, and B - it WILL NOT WORK against really, really good players.
The upside is that you can use it to thin the heard, and it's a GREAT defense against people who try to smash you with a 2 handed sword. You make them choose to either keep smashing as planned or stop and play defense. Very few people who play that style are used to people being able to defend themselves against it. I jokingly call it the "magic shotgun noob burner".
THX to your response
i did a quick research. that set oblivion foe only buffs the dmg to soul trap and not the ulty.
could you give me a advice about equipment?
I do Julianos, Grace of the Ancients, Willpower and 2 mismatched monster pieces. I use divines (small) and infused (big). Most people use impen though.
Resipsa131 wrote: »I *** you not, I finished the main quest at around level 45, crafted the set that increases your Soul Assault abilities and started hitting people in BWB from stealth with soul assault and then Jesus Beam to execute if you do it in an open field they can't line of sight you and they just die, its so dumb.
Waffennacht wrote: »THEDKEXPERIENCE wrote: »THEDKEXPERIENCE wrote: »lol i never though of this ulti... have to try it once. does it more dmg than the mage guild ultys? why no guides ever mention this?
I keep ice comet on my DPS bar to get the extra magic bonus (50k) and soul assault on my back bar (44k magic). SA has a 73k tip value.
If you keep your SA and Radiant on different bars you can EASILY swap away from SA to RO seemlessly.
If you are wondering why there are few tutorials it is because A - it used to be very easy to break, and B - it WILL NOT WORK against really, really good players.
The upside is that you can use it to thin the heard, and it's a GREAT defense against people who try to smash you with a 2 handed sword. You make them choose to either keep smashing as planned or stop and play defense. Very few people who play that style are used to people being able to defend themselves against it. I jokingly call it the "magic shotgun noob burner".
THX to your response
i did a quick research. that set oblivion foe only buffs the dmg to soul trap and not the ulty.
could you give me a advice about equipment?
I do Julianos, Grace of the Ancients, Willpower and 2 mismatched monster pieces. I use divines (small) and infused (big). Most people use impen though.
He goes Old School. Like when I started Old School. You can steal apart of his idea like I did and roll with x2 will power x2 monster, x3/x5 one set, such as Transmutation or Dragon or alchemist, and then x5 a constant set like plague doctor or Pariah or jul etc
Some good sets for magplar in pvp:
Spinners, Transmutation, Kagrenacs Hope, Julianos, Rattlecage, BSW
Monster sets:
Grothdarr, Valkyn Skoria, Bloodspawn or Pirate skeleton
It really depends on your playstyle.
5x Kagrenacs
4x Winterkind+ 1x Kena or 5x Burning Spellweave Set
1x vMSA Destrostaff & 1x vMSA Healingstaff
(5 light, 1 medium, 1heavy; traits like you prefer, impenatrable is allways a good choose; Healingstaff with defending trait is important! jewelry with full spelldamage)
HF until Morrorwind, then maybe i need a change to more sustain..
I like it much more then the Templar heavy armor meta. You are able to bring everybody down, which isnt possible with the metabuild..
Waffennacht wrote: »5x Kagrenacs
4x Winterkind+ 1x Kena or 5x Burning Spellweave Set
1x vMSA Destrostaff & 1x vMSA Healingstaff
(5 light, 1 medium, 1heavy; traits like you prefer, impenatrable is allways a good choose; Healingstaff with defending trait is important! jewelry with full spelldamage)
HF until Morrorwind, then maybe i need a change to more sustain..
I like it much more then the Templar heavy armor meta. You are able to bring everybody down, which isnt possible with the metabuild..
Winterkind ? Or Winterborn?
Winterborn is gonna see some play with Warden. No cool down, CC, and hits as hard as Skoria. Oh yeah, it'll see play