So I am building a Breton Templar Tank and Healer (Mostly BoL spam). I was intending it for PVE (But I have heard it is good in PVP)
So I am using Spectre's eye heavy as my crafted set. I know It is odd but its the only set with Physical resistance, Health and Magicka. And even though the evasion is short it will still allow me to take less damage. And Engine Guardian monster helm.
Now I am trying to decide wether to go with Bloodthorn or Desert Rose as my sustain set. Bloodthorn gives me back stamina, but I am wasting the spell damage and I am worried about my health (I would probably have to rejig my stat points). It will always trigger and is not a proc. Whille desert rose will allow me to spam more but it gives me more spell resistance and as a Breton I run right into the cap pretty easily. Also it is anti-synergy with spectres eyes dodge chance. Now I have tested it and if I put no CP into spell sheild and all into heavy armor and hardy I can get my physical resistance up to 32k (with channeled focus)
If you know other other combinations that would allow me to get to the required numbers of Health, magicka/magicka regen, spell and physical resistance. I prefer one crafted and one dropped so that I can select the right traits.