I for one am beginning to get bored with Homestead, largely because I am so limited in what I can create due to the lack of variety with structural items.
Almost 80 different types of rocks/stones but only 10 different types of platforms/planks! Surely the recent Homestead competition demonstrates to ZOS what people are trying to achieve with their homes. C'mon ZOS, add more structural components and allow us to, quite frankly, improve the houses you have on offer. Many of them are poorly designed because they were copy/paste resources.
Things that are really needed;
- basic walls
- better quality planks/platforms
- stairs/steps
- floors ( this is so important. Many of the yards have very uneven landscape which make it difficult to position workstations. Please give us large squares of flat stone flooring so we can fix this oversight in the vanilla homes.)
All of these resources are already in game. If its too time consuming to make them craftable, then just add them to crown store.
Houses are rather functionless so their value (and they are very expensive) is in the hours of entertainment designing new layouts. But this is often very difficult due to the gross lack of structural resources available. It would also alleviate issues with housing item caps because one set of steps or one wall could save us having to use 20/30 individual components that we are trying to mash together to make these BASIC features.
So c'mon ZOS, please support homestead enthusiasts with some better structural resources.
Please, Please, Please!!
I for one am beginning to get bored with Homestead, largely because I am so limited in what I can create due to the lack of variety with structural items.
Almost 80 different types of rocks/stones but only 10 different types of platforms/planks! Surely the recent Homestead competition demonstrates to ZOS what people are trying to achieve with their homes. C'mon ZOS, add more structural components and allow us to, quite frankly, improve the houses you have on offer. Many of them are poorly designed because they were copy/paste resources.
Things that are really needed;
- basic walls
- better quality planks/platforms
- stairs/steps
- floors ( this is so important. Many of the yards have very uneven landscape which make it difficult to position workstations. Please give us large squares of flat stone flooring so we can fix this oversight in the vanilla homes.)
All of these resources are already in game. If its too time consuming to make them craftable, then just add them to crown store.
Houses are rather functionless so their value (and they are very expensive) is in the hours of entertainment designing new layouts. But this is often very difficult due to the gross lack of structural resources available. It would also alleviate issues with housing item caps because one set of steps or one wall could save us having to use 20/30 individual components that we are trying to mash together to make these BASIC features.
So c'mon ZOS, please support homestead enthusiasts with some better structural resources.
Please, Please, Please!!
and first of all, the caps for furniture and decoration items should be at least doubled!!!
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert
Storage in Eso can be a little frustrating especially when someone has a lot of characters or is gathering set items to try out new builds and gameplays. Zos recently announced that double slots are coming for the bank however I'm here to suggest something more to an extent that would make housing even more desireable to people.
As it is now housing doesn't serve a real purpose, anything in house can be found just in a city, a bank, a vendor even guild traders.
Suggestions:a) Add a wayshrine furnishing (there is one already I've heard) and make it interactable, click on to travel.g) Capacity increase on placeable objects much like the c) suggestion
b) Special Containers. These could work like the new double bank slots, kind of. If you are an eso+ you can place items in there for a future use or whatever you want for. With the expiration of eso+ you can no longer store in there items but you can still retrieve anything you like.
c)Ways to increase +max player limit. Of course there needs to be a limit to a small zone like the house zones but still there could be a way to increase the limit like +5 or +10 players. This is especially needed for guild houses, which are not here yet.
d) More interactable objects, beds, wardrobes (opening a wardrobe or a nightstand animations), harp,hammock swinging etc. and etc. There are so many things that can be done.
e) Npcs. As it is now I think you can only have what purchased (pets excluded). So here we go, a banker and a merchant. I would add some more NPCs like: Bard, Dancers, Guards-Bodyguards, Cook-Chef, Bartender, Enchanter merchant, stable boy, cleaning lady and any kind you can imagine.
f) Others have suggested that a bonus to exp would be a good idea as well the more you stay in your house the more "rested" experience you get up to a limit.
h) Crafting nodes and provisioning containers. These could be looted or extracted with a long cooldown but still give a nice touch on your house.
Any thoughts, suggestions?
And ZOS dared to say "Homestead is going to be much better than Skyrim". Yeah, yeah! With the content creator in Skyrim I did my house 100% freely as I wanted, using ANY item I was seeing in the overland. How can Homestead be better lacking furniture, mannequins, weapon display, storage, item limit, etc., etc., etc.?