rotaugen454 wrote: »Waiting for all the "BSW is USELESS now!" replies.
rotaugen454 wrote: »Waiting for all the "BSW is USELESS now!" replies.
Great they reduced the proc for the sorc frags. Increased dark exchange cast time smh the build I worked so hard for is going to the dumps..
But, multiply that times the number of times it will be cast by all players combined over the next year and it's a huge number!IcyDeadPeople wrote: »
The 0.2 sec increase in cast time will affect you that much? If you pop immovable potion before casting, it gives you 15 seconds to spam it without getting knocked down.
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »
How will you ever survive ?!
You'll find plenty of angry people that don't understand how this stuff adds up. BSW has always been too strong.
Important note: Burning Spellweave is still BiS. Nothing changed! All that happened was a miniscule nerf to Magicka that indirectly brings up Stamina a tiny bit as a result.
The only set that beats it is Necropotence, which requires a pet. Magicka Warden (worst DPS) benefits from Necropotence. Magicka NB (2nd worst DPS) also can benefit from Necropotence.
However, Magicka Sorcs also benefit and they are the #1 DPS by a lot. This isn't because of Necropotence though or else Mag Warden/NB woud be OP..... it is because Mag Sorc is well above the other classes.
Volatile Familiar needs to have less pulses and those pulses need to deal less damage too.
The cries to nerf Necropotence would hurt Magicka Warden the most, which is currently the absolute worst DPS class.
IcyDeadPeople wrote: »
The 0.2 sec increase in cast time will affect you that much? If you pop immovable potion before casting, it gives you 15 seconds to spam it without getting knocked down.
What about Scathing Mage for the MagBlade? How will that compare with BSW now?
What about Scathing Mage for the MagBlade? How will that compare with BSW now?
What about Scathing Mage for the MagBlade? How will that compare with BSW now?
stevepdodson_ESO888 wrote: »
it will be better than BSW on MagBlade (20% proc chance for 516 SD increase)
NordSwordnBoard wrote: »Membah me? - Julianos
This helps with getting crafting closer to bis and salves the rash from dungeon grinding sets.
Looks like another Julianos/bsw comparison for myself on the dummy to see how this shakes out after morrowind.