this thread is designed for players who are quitting/ going to quit with morrowind and would like to give away their stuff.
make sure to say clearly at which platform/mega server you are currently playing.
for "receivers":
1) describe what you are doing in ESO and why you think the quitters should give you their stuff.
example: I craft and test many different sets and builds which is an expensive hobby.
2) tell how often you play ESO,, daily basis/few times a week or a month, and what you do during that time.
example: i play 18 hours everyday and spend 16 hours of them standing near belkarth wayshrine chatting about global warming
and some potential fixes to worldwide hunger and poverty.
3) dont write too much, 20 or more lines (essay) shall be overlooked for shorter and better quality requests.
4) compliment/sugarcane-sweet words and wishes for the future of the quitter.
for quitters:
1) do not mention the reason of quitting by any means, we just want your stuff
2) bragging rights: you do not have permission to say i gave "X" guy that much of "Y" stuff. unless it has an estimation worth of a million ( or more) of in-game gold.
3) you can say absolutely nothing and just give your stuff.
example "receiver" request:
hello, its Waseem,, i play ESO for 1-24 hours about daily since 2 years, i do all kind of content in-game, from housing to pvp and all pve,
i would like to have your stuff to buy more items for housing or houses altogether, any donation is kindly appreciated, may you have much more fun in your future
games ( if you are going to play games) and a great time in life and what not. celebrate it and be happy and never look back. the past has passed.. just build yourself
a future to make your family proud of you. warm wishes and thanks for your stuff-if any.
i am currently playing on PC EU ,,
@Waseem --
keep the discussion civil and meaningful, this thread is here to make life easier for what it seems a stuff demanding almost in every thread, lets just have them all here and keep other threads "can i have your stuff-free" environment.