I joined the game just before Shadows of the Hist launched, so I'm not entirely familiar with the whole history of the game. I am curious as to how previous updates compared in scale and reception to the upcoming Morrowind update.
I joined the game just before Shadows of the Hist launched, so I'm not entirely familiar with the whole history of the game. I am curious as to how previous updates compared in scale and reception to the upcoming Morrowind update.
well they are messing with sustain so people are up in a riot. Ironically this is the same thing that happened on every update. Today's mmo community is all about negativity, it is not like is was back with EQ and ultima where we enjoyed the expansions and did not go out of our way to act entitled. I tested all of the changes, and i am not worried to be honest. Morrowind will bring tons of changes, some good some bad and some meh.
Homestead had a lot of changes too, but people just like to comb over patch notes, find the one thing that doesnt sit well with them, then act like its a major betrayal and its the end of the game.
I joined the game just before Shadows of the Hist launched, so I'm not entirely familiar with the whole history of the game. I am curious as to how previous updates compared in scale and reception to the upcoming Morrowind update.
well they are messing with sustain so people are up in a riot. Ironically this is the same thing that happened on every update. Today's mmo community is all about negativity, it is not like is was back with EQ and ultima where we enjoyed the expansions and did not go out of our way to act entitled. I tested all of the changes, and i am not worried to be honest. Morrowind will bring tons of changes, some good some bad and some meh.
I joined the game just before Shadows of the Hist launched, so I'm not entirely familiar with the whole history of the game. I am curious as to how previous updates compared in scale and reception to the upcoming Morrowind update.
well they are messing with sustain so people are up in a riot. Ironically this is the same thing that happened on every update. Today's mmo community is all about negativity, it is not like is was back with EQ and ultima where we enjoyed the expansions and did not go out of our way to act entitled. I tested all of the changes, and i am not worried to be honest. Morrowind will bring tons of changes, some good some bad and some meh.
Wait, don't you remember The Vision in EQ? That's something we don't have here. In EQ, they had a clear idea of what they wanted the game to be. If there's a vision in ESO it needs glasses. You can't pile on the pools and recovery a few months ago then come along and say resource management has always been a part of ESO. The rest of the sentence should have continued "until we crapped all over it". EQ could be so harsh and there was that one time they nert a class so badly it almost never recovered. But it didn't change all over the map every six months or so. It had... The Vision. I think ESO's comparable mantra could be Stumbles In The Dark. Its been three years and they are still trying to figure out what they want it to be. Now its going be the first and only game to unify PvE and PvP. Reach for the stars, guys, reach for the stars.
Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »This is not the first time Zos has made a major change to how the game was played.
1.6, which those that started in the second year would know as 2.0 did a major revamp. Complete change on how ultimate was generated. CP was added to the game and overall we were made significantly weaker in every way which CP was to make up for it.
While 1.6 did mess with our sustain, amongst everything else, it does not compare to how PTS is playing at the time. Essentially, Zos has decided the game needs to be played completely differently and disquizes it as it by saying this has always been the way ESO was to be played.
This is also not the first time Zos' senior devs have decided to go a different route and said it was always their vision. Ironically, they said it was their vision that we get our info from the environment, not from a UI as their reasoning for abandoning the original normal MMO style UI. Ironically zos is adding buffs and debuffs to the base UI with the upcoming patch, quietly admitting the visual queues do not always work as they need to.
Pretty much anyone who pushes PvE content is not pleased with these changes as a whole, the cost reduction changes in CP did not bring about much of an issue when they were announced. It is everything as a whole that has. Top raiders, the ones who top the leaderboards constantly, will survive though it may not be as fun. Moderate raiding guilds and casual raiding guilds will suffer the most which is a concern.
starkerealm wrote: »Yes.
Actually, you were here for a much larger kick over, when leveled zones were pulled from the game, and everything was configured to scale to the player. In comparison, this is a fairly minor tweak that will affect players at cap. Non-50s will see some slight shifts to their ability costs (not always an increase), and some of their resource return abilities will be less impressive.
So, no, there have been much bigger releases than this.
" It's about subs not having access to it, no matter how long they have been subbed"
I agree that some of the negativity is driven by this and that helps to blow other things out of proportion.
As a sub since launch, it doesnt bother me at all.
As someone who has run content with warden, etc i sm not unhappy eith the totality of this patch. What some may not rrmember is the game was not alwaysvrunning with major sustsin cuts it has now. It wasnt always hinged around every max dam or crit number. And the pve content currently tuned to thar maxdam setup can be adjusted ehen the impacts are seen.
Skies fo not fall just because some folks dont get what they feel entitled to have.
MehrunesFlagon wrote: »Except one thing.They did not adjust the pve content.
starkerealm wrote: »Yes.
Actually, you were here for a much larger kick over, when leveled zones were pulled from the game, and everything was configured to scale to the player. In comparison, this is a fairly minor tweak that will affect players at cap. Non-50s will see some slight shifts to their ability costs (not always an increase), and some of their resource return abilities will be less impressive.
So, no, there have been much bigger releases than this.
One Tamriel wasn't too disruptive for me. I think Morrowind will affect the game in a much larger way due to the presence of the Warden.
I joined the game just before Shadows of the Hist launched, so I'm not entirely familiar with the whole history of the game. I am curious as to how previous updates compared in scale and reception to the upcoming Morrowind update.
well they are messing with sustain so people are up in a riot. Ironically this is the same thing that happened on every update. Today's mmo community is all about negativity, it is not like is was back with EQ and ultima where we enjoyed the expansions and did not go out of our way to act entitled. I tested all of the changes, and i am not worried to be honest. Morrowind will bring tons of changes, some good some bad and some meh.
ObsidianMichi wrote: »Vampires used to be unkillable, literally.
starkerealm wrote: »ObsidianMichi wrote: »Vampires used to be unkillable, literally.
Mmm, sweet AOE cap tears.
In ESO Live, Rich said that they weren't adjusting bosses even though they will probably be overly powerful. So, we know they know this is a nerf. They know this nerf will affect being able to do content sucessfully. And we know they aren't adjusting content. Even on the off chance that they do decide to adjust it, it will probably be six months of this to a year. So you think something might be wrong but you're not going to do anything about it. Alright. Nice.
ObsidianMichi wrote: »Stick with us awhile. You'll see these threads come again, and with much the same flavor and foot stomping as they're doing now.
Sometimes, it happens with even a minor nerf. There were threads saying the game was dead and Endgame raiding was over 5ver when the proc sets got nerfed. Then there was the time they said it was dead when the Imperial City dropped and PvErs complained that "ZOS WAS JUST SENDING THEM INTO PVP TO BE GANKED AND DIE!!!!!", plus all the rage over the Tel Var stones. Let's not talk about the CP changes, or the CP grinders, or One Tamriel, or the Veteran Levels each. and. every. time. it. adjusted. up. Oh, yeah, Craglorn and nirnhoned gear. Or the cries at launch about the Beta Testers having a distinct advantage over everyone else.
Oh yeah, remember, CP killed PvP. Completely. Don't go to Cyrodil. It is dead, dead as a doornail.
No, the game has gone through so many massive changes before this one. Despite what everyone's saying, this isn't even the biggest shift. There used to be leveled zones. There used to be only fifty levels. Then, we had Veteran ranks. There were no monster sets in the Veteran dungeons. Overland sets never dropped. Crafted gear used to be a level higher than normal gear, so whites were actually greens. There was no thieving mechanic. You weren't here for the outcry when all the houses in town got LOCKED, and the P2W cries about skill lines being hidden behind paywalls. Vampires used to be unkillable, literally. Who can forget the time vampires locked down Cyrodil and prevented Covenant from even entering the zone? (It was more than one and less than three. Yeah, it was two. Just two.) Sorcs used to be the bottom of the barrel, and everyone decried them useless except in PvP. The Mag DK with a Dark Elf was the only class you should ever consider for DPS. Now, they're the go to magicka DPS and they used to be even stronger. Some people with a Sorc could solo trials, back before soloing trials was a thing.
And this? This is only the tip of the iceberg.
People on the threads declare the game dead every three to six months. Sit back, pop some popcorn, and strap in. And... don't take it too seriously. The drama llama makes its rounds, people adapt, and we move on.
In ESO Live, Rich said that they weren't adjusting bosses even though they will probably be overly powerful. So, we know they know this is a nerf. They know this nerf will affect being able to do content sucessfully. And we know they aren't adjusting content. Even on the off chance that they do decide to adjust it, it will probably be six months of this to a year. So you think something might be wrong but you're not going to do anything about it. Alright. Nice.