Playing magsorc in pvp most on these forums will instantly scream OP and instant win mode.... well im going to assume those people dont play magsorc or pvp in genral because there is no instant win in pvp.
I can dish out damage and sustain pretty good but i cant stay alove through a gank and during fights i seem to die very easily. Im pretty sure this is die to me build for as much damage as i can and not putting much into my defenses... ok i know this is the case. So im looking for suggestions to help me balance this out.
Gear: x5 spinners x5 BSW x1 infernal guardian
All divines with spell damage mundus, the helm is impen.
Front bar: spinners gold inferno staff precise( still farming for sharp)
Force pulse( morph with more damage) , haunting curse, inner light, mages wrath, crystal frags, shooting star
Back bar : spinners resto staff charged i think.
Streak, healing ward, hardened ward, critsurge , dadreic mines shooting star (was just trying to morph this havent changed it.
I most likely named either the wrong morph or the un morphed ability named but just know im using the right morph for pvp.
Idk my stats off hand.
I was thinking off adding rune prison for some extra defense from ganks. Also considering farming some more impen gear and also trying to get the infernal shoulders.
Any other advice for more survivability without sacrificing to much damage?