I've played this game quite casually for about five weeks now and I'm currently at CP 186.
I'm playing stamknight btw, and I really enjoy it. I got a set of Hundings along with ok weapons and jewelry so I'm not really in any need of new gear, even though I'm currently at 5/9 research on most professions/items.
My goal right now is to reach CP 300 so I can start doing trials and vMA. But I'm a bit split about how I should get there, being a casual player with only a few hours per day.
I've been running vet dungeons and it does go well, sure sometimes I get kicked BBC low cp but I can handle myself really well even tho I might not be doing much dps. I know it's a bit of piggybacking on the 600s. Also, I'm doing Cadwells silver atm.
To me it seems like questing (Cadwells and the occasional delve/boss/dolmen) is faster than queuing for vet dungeons (save for the daily). Would you agree with that, meaning I should focus on doing quests instead of vets?
I'm really not interested in pure, man mindless grind and on the other hand I'm not really interested in the quest stories.
Any other tips and hints to think of, to reach my goal?