Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

Is there a database that shows armor styles, piece by piece?

If so, please point me in the right direction. And if not, why hasn't someone done it?

I've recently gotten into fashion scrolls way more than what I used to, but ran into the problem of wondering what the pants under a robe look like, for combination purposes. For those that might be wondering more of what I mean, this:
I wanted to know what the lich pants look like, because I wanted to possibly use them, rather than another piece. But alas, not knowing doesn't help me at all. Another prime example is this:
Newer sets like this, and the minotaur, have belts, but cease to show them because the chest (maybe legs?) "belt" cover it up. My other gripe about newer sets like this is the fact that I can't always tell if the "man-dress" is part of the chest or the legs. I've come to assume that it's part of the chest, per the mercenary motif. The same goes for elbow pads are typically part of the gloves, not the chest. But, simply knowing exactly what individual pieces look like would be great.

I understand eso fashion has tons of motifs, and has helped me stupendously in the aesthetics department. But, it can only do so much with full motif comparisons.

Does a site like this already exist? If not, why hasn't someone made it or incorporated it into their database (looking at you, eso fashion)? Am I just a vain, self-absorbed fashion scrolls player that's forgotten the golden rule?
Golden Rule:
Please, let me know.

Best Answer

  • Burgererer
    Edit: When I complained about the newer sets, I didn't mean their bad. The changes on them are cool, but confusing for someone building a set for looks. But, definitely not ZOS's fault, and please don't take it as an insult; more so, a poorly-worded compliment.
  • Caligamy_ESO

    But it relies on user submissions of screenshots so if they're missing something your looking at.. that's why.
    Edited by Caligamy_ESO on May 4, 2017 3:41AM
    love is love
  • Burgererer

    But it relies on user submissions of screenshots so if they're missing something your looking at.. that's why.

    I don't think I was clear enough. It only shows full motifs. Aside from weapons and shields, which I can see perfectly fine already, the armor isn't individual. I meant, if I want to see an ancestor silk sash in the minotaur style, and just the belt, how would I?

    The other pieces cover it up.
  • Burgererer
    this one shows piece by piece

    Perfect. Thank you!
  • Burgererer
    That specific lich set doesn't only show the pants, but maybe I'm using the site wrong. Thanks though, this will help regardless.
  • Nemesis7884
    I think they dont have all pieces all the time
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