Illicitus is currently recruiting for pve an pvp oriented players

Illicitus is currently recruiting for PvE and PvP. We're especially looking for PvP oriented players. We have a very active presence on Azuras Star Campaign. We host a PvP event every Saturday as well. We're also looking for another guild alliance in azuras star.

We are also looking for PvE players. We do a weekly events; A weekly lottery on Sunday that helps support a guild trader which allows us to offer no weekly fees. Other events that offer clearing world bosses, search for lorebooks and skyshards to make it fun.

Illicitus has something for every player. We use discord for 24/7 text chat. A website for event sign ups, forums, and recruitment.

Even though we welcome all alliances for PvE; Our PvP alliance is the Ebonheart Pact.

If you might be interested, please message me here or on PS4. PSN Joel_749 for invite or more information. Please feel free to sign up on our website as well.
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