We are currently investigating issues some players are having on the megaservers. We will update as new information becomes available.
We are currently investigating issues some players are having with the ESO Store and Account System. We will update as new information becomes available.
In response to the ongoing issue, the North American and European megaservers are currently unavailable while we perform maintenance.
In response to the ongoing issue, the ESO Store and Account System have been taken offline for maintenance.

[BUG] When entering a dungeon via Activity Finder the whole group gets booted out of the dungeon

What happens is that when you arrive in the dungeon after the group has formed and travel there via autotravel, there is this round circle that counts back and your whole group gets booted out of the dungeon, the same way you're forced out of the dungeon and the end when you have defeated the boss and left your group.

This happens +/- 80% of the time, sometimes you stay into the dungeon, most of the times you get booted out and have to manually re-travel to the dungeon, and the rest of the players have to travel towards you when you have arrived in the dungeon.
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