We don't even know if we want to play with more than one character. We joined a guild, but they wanted 10,000 gold a week.. we are lucky if we make that much gold in a week as it is... LOL! (So we of course left that guild.)
I figured by now we would meet other players in game to show us the ropes, but without joining a guild that uses discord, in game communication is kind of limited.
As fairly new players, what we are seeing in the game is its not a 5 minute ordeal to work on crafting... you run back and forth to the bank to swap out your inventory, and then run between several locations to break things down, or craft a few items to level up the skills. So it really ends up taking maybe an hour a day all told to collect resources, and work at several of the skills.
The feedback here on the system is great though, and I want to thank everyone for the excellent advice and answers.
We started playing a month ago, and I'm up to level 36 or so. I've been training and deconstructing anything that looks remotely worthwhile, but I have yet to craft one single item better than items I've found.
So my question, is at some point can you craft items better than you get in loot drops? My bank and inv is chock full of crafted stuff to enchant weapons, but if I look at selling them they are only worth 5 gold each... so obviously they hold very little value.
I'm wondering at this point if I should just dump all the crafting stuff, and just go with loot drops? My wife is in the same boat, and at this point the game is feeling less like an elaborate multiplayer skyrim, and more like a big fancy Gauntlet. (Which isn't really bad.. we both love gauntlet!)
We've both skimmed crafting tutorials and watched a few videos, but there is just a TON of info to consume.