You win ZOS... You win. I get it. No need to make things worse for me. Really. I get it. I'm serious for once. I understand.
It's not the fact that the game has numerous bugs. It's not the fact that I have a 15,000 crown house with invisible walls over the place. It's not the fact that I try to make threads that will have civilized and mature discussions, assuming the community can handle controversial topics/themes (but fail to do so every single time). It's not the fact that in every single 1 of my threads, there's someone disrespecting me and or flaming me endlessly. Therefore causing me to have to use the report feature in all my threads damn near. N'ah. That's not it. It's not the fact that almost every guild I've joined (with the exception of 1), the GM's turn out to be egotistical in the end. Resulting in more and more disappointments, and feelings like I wasted my time for months on end. It's not the fact that when and if I ever set foot into PvP, I'm getting zerged down by 30+ people, and or I can't use a door. It's not even the fact that gap-closing into load screen still exists. Nope. Not at all. It's not even the fact that I'm probably not on my last warning from the forums, and still get extreme hate mail from people in my inbox here.
What it is, is that after hundreds upon hundreds of runs... Time after time again, I am always left with a pie in my face. Every single time. In the end, I look like a jackass and it seems karma has failed me. It looks like karma doesn't even exist for the most part regarding ESO. I can be a nice dude, and handout motif chapters for free daily (as I usually do). It doesn't matter that I've helped people get titles and skins, and helped them make tons of gold. Means nothing. Because in the end, it all adds up to nothingness. It leads up to the joke being the player, and things from the beginning being rigged from the start.
It's deep. And I don't feel like explaining. But, I can say what lead me to writing this. And it's the video and image below. After quitting VMA and ESO time and time again, I always gave it chance after chance. I always thought, maybe it's my lucky day. But no. It's not. It's not at all. Way over 300 runs, and during a run which gave me all types of hell. Don't worry. Video will be attached. I get something that feels to be a joke. As if the game is literally trolling me. I go through hell on this broken pos game, and front tons of cash at you all. Hoping it goes into improving the quality. And I get left with bad luck, after bad luck, after bad luck. It's incredible. And no, I'm not saying there aren't others who experience bad luck. But it feels like my luck is beyond bad when it comes to this game. You know what it feels like to get double S&B during the Orsinium Event? And twice? Like ***. It feels like ***. But anyway, months later. Still getting trolled.
You win, ZOS. I'll stop. For once, I'll actually stop. Stop what? Everything. Just everything. People who were tired of my posts here? You got it. Mods and staff here tired of seeing that I reported someone disrespecting me in 1 of my threads, don't worry. You won't have to deal with seeing my reports/complaints about comments any further. And no, this isn't a quit thread. So you don't have to go and threaten me with a forum account ban yet again. This is a "you win" thread. A thread saying that I give up. I admit defeat. I know when I'm bested, and for once I've been defeated. By this game. By it's community. By it's developers and staff. I, Champ, have lost. Good game. And no, I don't want a rematch.