>Huge party in Orsinium
>Drink few Betnikh twice-spiked ale.
>Meet pretty orc that you get along perfectly and she puts her usertag in your backpack
>She tells you to wait for her in same spot for 2min, while she quickly says hello to friends
>You wait only for 30sec(in dog years) until beautiful redguard comes to you
>She is not fun, not smart, but looks good so you leave with her
>Soon you get bored with this redguard and remmeber the orc you were supposed to wait
>Can't find orc but then you remember the usertag she gave
>Then you realise you accidentally sold the usertag for a merchant
>Pretty orc lives in Orsinium, you live in Auridon and can't visit other places often
>You know you deserved this by leaving with redguard but still:
>Orc is heartbroken
Edited by Ghettokid on July 13, 2017 7:37PM