@MagdalinaSo...you shot an unsuspecting player in the back from stealth(and you still couldn't take him out in 1-2 hits with Overload?)? Good job, something to be proud of indeed.
Now granted, if he was legit good he would have dodged or reflected it back at you after the first hit...but that's another story.
Sneaky-Snurr wrote: »@Magdalina
Give OP a break. Don't discredit him/her of their achievements. We all started from the bottom you know.
I remember killing a lvl 47 as a lvl ~20 or so and it was oddly satisfying. All done before anyone reached VR ranks back in the day.
I'm sure you have a similar experience back then as well so let the OP have his/her day today.
I've always tried to choose upfront fights rather than attacking one in the back. Most of all when I was a newbie, it just felt so...not right. I tried once and it was the most un-satisfying thing I've ever done in the game. I mean obviously it's just a game and everyone plays it how they like, some of my good friends gank and that's fine, but to come to the forums to show off being able to kill a supposedly better player by hitting them in the back when they were already low? I wouldn't care much in the game but showing it off as an achievemenht is just silly.
The achievement here is using overload in PvP and actually getting a kill with it
I've always tried to choose upfront fights rather than attacking one in the back. Most of all when I was a newbie, it just felt so...not right. I tried once and it was the most un-satisfying thing I've ever done in the game. I mean obviously it's just a game and everyone plays it how they like, some of my good friends gank and that's fine, but to come to the forums to show off being able to kill a supposedly better player by hitting them in the back when they were already low? I wouldn't care much in the game but showing it off as an achievemenht is just silly.
I've always tried to choose upfront fights rather than attacking one in the back. Most of all when I was a newbie, it just felt so...not right. I tried once and it was the most un-satisfying thing I've ever done in the game. I mean obviously it's just a game and everyone plays it how they like, some of my good friends gank and that's fine, but to come to the forums to show off being able to kill a supposedly better player by hitting them in the back when they were already low? I wouldn't care much in the game but showing it off as an achievemenht is just silly.
Well that is one of the balancing issues in PvP... Everybody is using Full heavy armour with impen trait and often One-Handed and Shield... and for the amount of armour they have they still can hit like a truck... But maybe after sustain nerf we will see more people using light & medium armour who knows...PVP seems to be full of 600+ level invincible people but today I took one of them down.
PVP seems to be full of 600+ level invincible people but today I took one of them down.
Good job man. Listen. Don't pay attention to the scrubs trying to dis on you over your first PvP success. It only gets better from here. As primarily a NB player I think it's pretty kewl you snuck up on your prey as a Sorc. You fight on your terms. Not the enemy's, whenever possible. Well done.