UnversedNumber3 wrote: »ZOS bases their nerfs and buffs off of game data and users that actually give ideas on how to fix the problem. Not what you all think should be nerfed.
If you want to help give constructive feedback. Dont make forms titled "Stop nerfing night blades"
If you find some useful data or statistics that ZOS can use to improve the game please share it. Your opinion dosent go very far on game production.
UnversedNumber3 wrote: »ZOS bases their nerfs and buffs off of game data and users that actually give ideas on how to fix the problem. Not what you all think should be nerfed.
If you want to help give constructive feedback. Dont make forms titled "Stop nerfing night blades"
If you find some useful data or statistics that ZOS can use to improve the game please share it. Your opinion dosent go very far on game production.
Vipstaakki wrote: »Agreed. We need more Sorc tears instead.
UnversedNumber3 wrote: »ZOS bases their nerfs and buffs off of game data and users that actually give ideas on how to fix the problem. Not what you all think should be nerfed.
If you want to help give constructive feedback. Dont make forms titled "Stop nerfing night blades"
If you find some useful data or statistics that ZOS can use to improve the game please share it. Your opinion dosent go very far on game production.
Your post represents everything wrong in game development today. You'd make a good middle manager at a fortune 10,000 company.
1) don't presume to tell people what they can or can't title their post on a friggen game forum.
2) the only "uselful data" ZOS needs is their customers overwhelmingly communicating their dissatisfaction with the performance of their class comparitively.
3) "Your opinion dosent go very far on game production" With laser like acuity you've summarized exactly how ZOS is failing.
2) the only "uselful data" ZOS needs is their customers overwhelmingly communicating their dissatisfaction with the performance of their class comparitively.
So, you think it is good everyone in PvP is playing sorc, because ZOS doesn't nerf it, because it is the most popular class?
Daemons_Bane wrote: »UnversedNumber3 wrote: »ZOS bases their nerfs and buffs off of game data and users that actually give ideas on how to fix the problem. Not what you all think should be nerfed.
If you want to help give constructive feedback. Dont make forms titled "Stop nerfing night blades"
If you find some useful data or statistics that ZOS can use to improve the game please share it. Your opinion dosent go very far on game production.
Your post represents everything wrong in game development today. You'd make a good middle manager at a fortune 10,000 company.
1) don't presume to tell people what they can or can't title their post on a friggen game forum.
2) the only "uselful data" ZOS needs is their customers overwhelmingly communicating their dissatisfaction with the performance of their class comparitively.
3) "Your opinion dosent go very far on game production" With laser like acuity you've summarized exactly how ZOS is failing.
You're not coming off as the best type yourself pal2) the only "uselful data" ZOS needs is their customers overwhelmingly communicating their dissatisfaction with the performance of their class comparitively.
IF they started changin stuff on this basis alone, the games would evolve into chaos
Floki_Vilgerdarson wrote: »Nightblades in stealth are like sharks in the water. I like the excitement of these stealth killers. They keep me on my toes and that makes pvp more interesting.
Stealth killers are very useful in warfare. Snipers/Nightblades create tension and paranoia in the enemy, which will make the enemy think twice before siitting on a horse in the middle of a field or racing towards a castle to reinforce their team.
You need that balance or pvp would just be a big horse race from castle to castle with no fear of being ripped off their horse.
Stealth Nightblades picking off zerg stragglers causes the zerg to loose numbers and confidence.
Hate them or Love them, Nightblades and Stealth are a necessary balance.
Shadowasrial wrote: »Floki_Vilgerdarson wrote: »Nightblades in stealth are like sharks in the water. I like the excitement of these stealth killers. They keep me on my toes and that makes pvp more interesting.
Stealth killers are very useful in warfare. Snipers/Nightblades create tension and paranoia in the enemy, which will make the enemy think twice before siitting on a horse in the middle of a field or racing towards a castle to reinforce their team.
You need that balance or pvp would just be a big horse race from castle to castle with no fear of being ripped off their horse.
Stealth Nightblades picking off zerg stragglers causes the zerg to loose numbers and confidence.
Hate them or Love them, Nightblades and Stealth are a necessary balance.
Exactly. And by nerfing these assassin characteristics of the nightblade they are essentially killing a valuable strategy for warfare. When I jump one of thier stragglers their whole group wagon wheels around to pick them up. And you know they are warning thier group that it's a nightblade. You hear it in your own group all the time. Be careful there's a nightblade here. You try to Rez your fallen teammates and one of your other group members gets taken down. This silent hit and run stategy is effective and useful.
I'm with the OP. Other notes:
Nightblades have low health, low resistance and these small HoTs. This has remained consistent with the original game concept that only Templars got mass heals. But now Sorcs and DKs put out MASSIVE heals. I've been fighting DKs with 30k+ health who when at 20% just zap their bar to full health. If anything, tanky classes should have small heals and NBs should have better ones.
Core Nightblade skills are constantly being given counters. Dark Cloak is made increasingly ineffective. Vigor is being nerfed. Now another core skill, siphoning attacks, is being made useless. Sneaking is the NB play style, but at every turn they make it harder to sneak and kill.
Core weaknesses aren't compensated for. I've played six vet toons for 2+ years. In that time, all of the other classes have been handed abilities that make up for their weak areas, whether in changes, in new sets or in CPs. My sorc went from the squishiest toon to one of the tankiest. My DK puts out a lot of damage now. My Templar is nearly invincible with the harness magicka + jabs. But my NB still has the same challenges he had when I started - low resistance, no good shields, mediocre heals, etc.
I understand that the data shows that NBs win a lot of their fights. THIS IS THE WAY IT SHOILD BE, ZOS. A DK or Templar should pick a fight with everyone, but a NB chooses their battles. I engage when I'm 90% sure I can win. We are Darwin at work...we exploit weakness and foolish behavior. If your data doesn't show NBs killing solo players in 3-5 hits, you haven't designed them right.
And right now, ZOS, for over a year, your whole community is telling you that both stamblades and magblade underperform in end game pve and in certain respects in pvp, and you consistently ignore this input and every patch note is a list of jerks and important promise to fix cloak. Enough already.
Floki_Vilgerdarson wrote: »Nightblades in stealth are like sharks in the water. I like the excitement of these stealth killers. They keep me on my toes and that makes pvp more interesting.
Stealth killers are very useful in warfare. Snipers/Nightblades create tension and paranoia in the enemy, which will make the enemy think twice before siitting on a horse in the middle of a field or racing towards a castle to reinforce their team.
You need that balance or pvp would just be a big horse race from castle to castle with no fear of being ripped off their horse.
Stealth Nightblades picking off zerg stragglers causes the zerg to loose numbers and confidence.
Hate them or Love them, Nightblades and Stealth are a necessary balance.
It's real easy. Leave Siphoning Attacks alone.
Make our spectral bow execute auto recast.
That's it. That's all you have to do to get nightblades on equal level. Will we be best tanks? No. Will we be best healers? No. Will we be best dps? No. We will go from "wet noodle only good for ganking" to "a challenging play style focused on careful planning".
christopher.duvalub17_ESO wrote: »There seems to be a common consensus that the game is currently in a bad state, and has been. ZOS has changes coming, so unless these comments are aimed at the test server, in which case they should be on that forum, then I'm not sure what they will accomplish because the deck is about to be redealt.
I understand your apprehension to the Nightblade nerfs, but unless you are testing the changes, the best that you can do is speculate to the outcome. Multiple moving parts means that changes to other classes could affect where Nightblades fall when hands are redealt.
The problem is, ZOS isnt very good at making changes... instead of fine tuning the game, they keep overhauling the whole damn thing. Then they introduce new features, sets, or changes that unbalance everything and take another shot at a massive overhaul. It has gotten to the point that they should call it a "feature" and make the changes into seasons where they are at least intentionally shuffling the deck.
Then people would expect to be winning some seasons, and getting the shaft in others... "Oh man, Nightblades are really dominating this season"...
It's real easy. Leave Siphoning Attacks alone.
Make our spectral bow execute auto recast.
That's it. That's all you have to do to get nightblades on equal level. Will we be best tanks? No. Will we be best healers? No. Will we be best dps? No. We will go from "wet noodle only good for ganking" to "a challenging play style focused on careful planning".
It's real easy. Leave Siphoning Attacks alone.
Make our spectral bow execute auto recast.
That's it. That's all you have to do to get nightblades on equal level
Floki_Vilgerdarson wrote: »Nightblades in stealth are like sharks in the water. I like the excitement of these stealth killers. They keep me on my toes and that makes pvp more interesting.
Stealth killers are very useful in warfare. Snipers/Nightblades create tension and paranoia in the enemy, which will make the enemy think twice before siitting on a horse in the middle of a field or racing towards a castle to reinforce their team.
You need that balance or pvp would just be a big horse race from castle to castle with no fear of being ripped off their horse.
Stealth Nightblades picking off zerg stragglers causes the zerg to loose numbers and confidence.
Hate them or Love them, Nightblades and Stealth are a necessary balance.
UnversedNumber3 wrote: »ZOS bases their nerfs and buffs off of game data and users that actually give ideas on how to fix the problem. Not what you all think should be nerfed.
If you want to help give constructive feedback. Dont make forms titled "Stop nerfing night blades"
If you find some useful data or statistics that ZOS can use to improve the game please share it. Your opinion dosent go very far on game production.