Hello! I am determined to beat VMA on my first char which is a Mag Templar. I have developed my own build which seems to be working well (I hit 4,000 Spell dmg sometimes), but I would like to get the final polish on it and need your input on the best way to keep my BSW proc up to near 66.7%.
Armor: 2 Grothdar, 4 BSW all divines, 1 divines Inf Aether legs.
Jewelry: 1 willpower arcane & two gold aether rings arcane - all spell damage.
Weapons: 1 Sharpened Inferno Willpower Staff spell dmg enchant or S&B with impen BSW shield (should be divines), and Willpower Sword flame enchant.
My rotation starts on my willpower staff bar and I Entropy, heavy attack, wall of elements and then bar swap to S&B. I then use reflective light to keep the fire proc up and sweeps for low dot dps & health.
Here is my conundrum:
DO I MAKE MY SWORD CHARGED which I believe would increase my chance to do fire damage on my light attack? Or should I have a sharpened/precise sword? Powered Sword for more healing since sweeps is on that bar?
I would really enjoy your feedback and thoughts on what to do with my 1H.
Please excuse me if I have been unclear about anything or if I left any details out that might help you make an informed suggestion.