How was it? Whats the minimum magicka and stamina regen you need to shoot for to be competitive? How does this affect your spell damage?
Personally i still find heavy armor is the way to go. Runnig 5x shaklebraker and 5x necro. One x choko for magick regen. 5 heavy 2 light.
In no cp :
Magicka regen is at 1550 and spell dmg is at 1980. Max magicka is at 40k and 44k with the shade. Using the crit chance mundus.
Max stamina is at 12k and 840 stam recovery.
I feel like my damage is good and i am relatively tanky with shadow barrier being almost 10 seconds long. Between using fear, healing path and shadow image, i have it 100% uptime. There are some builds that have crazy amount of damage and chew through my armor like paper but I found that using healing ward and swollo soul i sort of can manage, since i can sort of block and dodge more often.
I found i am not missing s strikes as much but i have to be careful and throw in occasional heavy resto attacks. I would definitely like more magick regen and stamina regen aaaand i would like more spell damage lol.
Edited by CavalryPK on April 26, 2017 6:58AM THE CAVELRY HAS ARRIVED! Cav is a professional magblade, (in his not so professional opinion). He is immortal and is fighting for the Pact since 2E 572, amidst the turmoil of the Second Akaviri Invasion. He protects the provinces of Skyrim, Morrowind and Black Marsh.
Check out his PVP YouTube channel !