Well its finaly happening, im getting bored being runed over by zergs and not just that, tho it was repetitive from the begining, it was never that much like now. They fixed alot in pvp and balanced alot of skills but they never add some new stuffs and events, maybe fighting a warden will wakeup my love for pvp.
Some of my ~epic~ ideeas: The top alliance with 5000 points over the second one and having at least 1 scroll of each of the other alliances should not be able to repair the breach of any keep but the first 3 keeps.
Or gates (to scrolls) should not be able to open from 00:00 to 12:00 or NPCs near the scroll should be like the guards from the cities, between the same hours.
Or the emperor could be crowned by an NPC in the base or IC who spawns only between 12:00 to 00:00.
Or for a week keeps should not be able to repair and NPCs wont spawn, so it will look apocalyptic, desolated, solitary making it part of the lore, keeps could be filled with dolmen monsters wich gives better loot if its an enemy home keep (glade, warden, rayles for AD and EP), but if lets say some DCs goes to Farragut and gets killed by EPs orADs, the reds/yellows will get the loot blues would have take.
Or the mundus stones can be transformed into wayshrines but if u teleport to the Athronach u will get that boon and if u have Twice Born Star set and got 2 boons, u will get only the one u teleported to.
Or killing x different players without dying will give u a buff for x min/h.
Or for 100.000 AP u could get a latter that can be used to get 12 or 24 players on the walls of an enemy keep, of course latters can be burned like the normal sieges.
Or the emperor could deliver messages across all alliances [to gather all players in 1 keep to make peace (for a moment), when the real world prepares for WW3]