Greetings travelers. This one brings you a sad story about my recent travels to Bangkorai. This Fredas evening I was enjoying a Pickled Cattor Slurry and a Nut Brown Ale at Anchor’s Point Inn in Evermore before heading out searching for Werewolfs to write about in my studies. Werewolfs are some mysterious creatures, yes? Think about it, under that big scary dog there is a person. Everytime I see one my fur on my back rises, but no werewolf has ever bested this ones skill with blades.
However, let me get back on topic. I heard from the enchanter Clauvis Bacqure, who was sitting at a table close to me, that alot of travelers were heading to Kerbol’s Hollow. Just south of that town there is supposed to be alot of werewolfs, and I promise all my moon sugar, there was! Load of them. This one has never seen that many werewolf at one place before. But let me tell you, there were even more travelers there. They were running around like crazy, like if they had a swarm of angry mudcrabs chasing them.. Trust this one, you do not want to make mudcrabs angry, I once stepped on one and sure enough it made its whole family of 10 or more mudcrabs chase me all across the beach.
Anyhows, there was this very strange thing about these travelers.. They ran and ran, but at the same time they seemed so empty of life - like if they were there but not really there. This was very strange to me, so I tried to walk up to one of them and talk to him. No. It was not possible. He did not even look at me, did not even notice my precense. He just kept running together with the others, killing werewolf after werewolf. I have never seen something like this before. I have seen people that swallowed a keg of skooma whilst eating moon sugar, but this was worse.
It started to get dark, so I had to return to the inn in Evermore. This one is not a religious khajiit, but I do hope that Alkosh, S’rendarr or any of the gods does somethinga about them. Dro-m’Athra take them. This one fears for the future of children having to meet these dead-like creatures. This one sees a dark future, unless something happens, quickly..
Yours Truly, a sad and confused Ri’arr Sahkar

Thank you for reading my short story. I hope you understood what I’m talking about.
Yes, bots. They are becoming a larger problem as days go by. I’ve played since closed beta, and I can safely say that the number of people that uses bots are rising. Something has to be done about this. Having to report someone, then for ZOS to go through the report and check for evidence would take a long time. Some MMO’s have very functional systems for this - yes, Player Moderators. Here is how I would suggest ESO could have a Player Moderator system:
-Trusted players that proves their loyalty and is active can be picked for this
-No title/icon showing that they are a Player Mod, so that it dont become a “status symbol”
-Players that become one have a tool that lets them drop a player from the server, but they would need to fill out a form with information, screenshot etc. They can only do this if they are 100% sure that this person is botting/breaking a rule.
-ZOS would then go through these “reports”, and it would go quicker as they should not end up being reported if its not 100% chance that they are botting/breaking rules.
-Dropping a player would give the player a temporary ban untill ZOS has either permanently banned the player or lifted the temporary ban.
-Misuse of the system (continiously reporting players that are not botting/breaking rules) would ofcourse get the Player Mod status removed, but maybe also have other punishments as it would be a top level trust-matter from ZOS to the Player Moderator.
-Reports from Player Moderators is prioritized over normal reports
I think that many people would agree with me that this is needed. Bots ruin the guild trader market and the game-experience in it self. I was very pleased with how few bots ESO has had, but as said before, its ever increasing.
Thank you for reading
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_RichLambert