Looking for a guild to join (Edited)

Hello! I am looking for a bit of a casual guild to join. I don't want to join one with like 300+ people or something crazy like that. Even if its just 5 people who get on regularly, I would be happy with that! I am also not a RP person. If your guild meets what I am looking for, I would be happy to join you!
Edited by pikacraft33 on April 22, 2017 6:00PM
  • Jolojose
    Hail friend! If you're looking for a guild to join the House of Ridgewell would love to have you. We're a close knit-group that usually has 15-20 people on and active a night. Feel free to message me in you're interested!
  • pikacraft33
    (can't delete comments so I am just editing this one)
    Edited by pikacraft33 on April 22, 2017 6:33PM
  • Draughluin1025
    Hey there Pikacraft! Deviant Revelations is a PVX guild with knowledgeable officers, helpful guildmates, and a casual atmosphere. We're around 100 members now and have a great community of players. We also have a guild website, a Discord server for voice/text chat, and weekly events for everyone to jump in on. If you'd be interested in our guild, please message me in game @Draughluin. You can also check out our website and fill out an application there if interested. The site is deviantrevelations.shivtr.com
    Into the fray once more, for guild, gold, and glory!
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