Fatal Error 6

After fighting for three days to get the patcher to install ESO on my second drive because the Morrowind patch and PTS will not fit on my 128Ggb steady state drive I am getting fatal error 6 faults as soon as the screen turns black. This is the error information it is giving. I reformatted my D: drive before installing ESO on it.

I have done everything that the customer support page suggest here: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2421

I have also looked at other forum post and nothing is working...really need ZOS help please.

After getting error verifying process hangs up at 16% screenshot supplied.

eso encountered a fatal error. (Error 6)
Description: Client Fatal Error

version = 0.01

ProductName = eso
Version = eso.live.
branch = live
client.executablebits = 64
client.mode = startup
client.renderertype = D3D11
client.session_start_timestamp = 2017-04-21T11:23:12.428Z
client.timestamp = 2017-04-21T11:23:23.164Z -frme 0-
computer.name = LAPTOP-GHR8GBTT
computer.user = sslau
cpu.arch = 9
cpu.count = 8
cpu.level = 6
cpu.type = 8664
data.dir = D:/ESO/The Elder Scrolls Online/depot/
exe.buildnum = 1432603
exe.opt = release
exe.reltype = public
exe.type = client
fe.code = 6
fe.descrip = Client Fatal Error
gfx.description =
gfx.deviceid = 5019.-2108223428.162
gfx.driver = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M
gfx.vendorid = 4318
mem.system_physical = 8081
os.osbits = 64
os.platform = windows
os.version = 10.0.15063.
ptime = 12281
reportfield.ver = 3
version.major = 2
version.patch = 7
version.subpatch = 11
Edited by simeion on April 21, 2017 4:02PM
  • ZOS_PeterT
    If you receive a Fatal Error from the ESO Launcher, you should run a repair on your game files.

    A video which details how to repair your ESO game files can be found here.

    In addition, you can repair the files for The Elder Scrolls Online on your computer by following the steps below.

    Repair the ESO Launcher

    1.Open The Elder Scrolls Online Launcher by right-clicking on the icon on the desktop and selecting Run as Administrator.
    2.Wait for the launcher to open completely.
    3.If multiple ESO clients are installed and available through the launcher, make sure you have the correct version highlighted by clicking on it once.
    4.Open the Game Options dropdown menu and click on the option for Repair.
    5.Allow the launcher to examine all the files for the game. This may take some time.
    6.If any files are found to have problems, the launcher will re-download those files.

    Delete the ESO Launcher Folder

    •PC: Go to the Launcher folder and delete it.
    ◦You can find this by default at C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online\Launcher.

    •Mac: Open Finder, go to Applications, and then look for and delete the Zenimax Online folder.
    ◦The Launcher folder will be under the main ZOS folder.

    Download new ESO Launcher

    Once you have deleted the folder, download the ESO Launcher from your account management page here to reinstall it. You can do this by logging in to your account on our website and clicking the Download Game button on the page for your appropriate platform.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios

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    Staff Post
  • simeion
    ZOS_PeterT wrote: »
    If you receive a Fatal Error from the ESO Launcher, you should run a repair on your game files.

    A video which details how to repair your ESO game files can be found here.

    In addition, you can repair the files for The Elder Scrolls Online on your computer by following the steps below.

    Repair the ESO Launcher

    1.Open The Elder Scrolls Online Launcher by right-clicking on the icon on the desktop and selecting Run as Administrator.
    2.Wait for the launcher to open completely.
    3.If multiple ESO clients are installed and available through the launcher, make sure you have the correct version highlighted by clicking on it once.
    4.Open the Game Options dropdown menu and click on the option for Repair.
    5.Allow the launcher to examine all the files for the game. This may take some time.
    6.If any files are found to have problems, the launcher will re-download those files.

    Delete the ESO Launcher Folder

    •PC: Go to the Launcher folder and delete it.
    ◦You can find this by default at C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online\Launcher.

    •Mac: Open Finder, go to Applications, and then look for and delete the Zenimax Online folder.
    ◦The Launcher folder will be under the main ZOS folder.

    Download new ESO Launcher

    Once you have deleted the folder, download the ESO Launcher from your account management page here to reinstall it. You can do this by logging in to your account on our website and clicking the Download Game button on the page for your appropriate platform.

    I have performed these task in addition to running every thing I do as administrator. I have also removed and reinstalled Nvadia GeForce Exp and it give unable to find game setting error. It tells me to start game to correct this issue, which of course I can not. I also have done all of the requirements you are asking with no fire wall or virus protection up. Still getting fatal error 6 and hanging up at 16% on the repair function.
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