One day Chicken Licken (aka Chicken Little aka Henny Penny) was walking 1vXing in Cyrodil and ran across a new race called Imperial>
"OH NO!!" Chicken Licken Cried "This is Pay 2 Win and will be the end of ESO.
He came across Turkey Lurkey and said "This new Imperial Race will be the end of ESO, Turkey Lurkey!" Turkey Lurkey immediately logged off and went to the ESO forum to spread the news.
A bit alter he came across a thief and an assassin stealing from law abiding citizens and murdering them all over the place and getting all kinds of loot. The streets were paved with corpses and the Guards didn't do anything because they were easily bribed. "OH NO!!" Chicken Licken screamed, and ran into Ducky Lucky. "Ducky Lucky! These DLC's will be the end of ESO! This is Pay to Win!" Chicken Licken sobbed. Alarmed, Ducky Lucky logged off and wet to the ESO forums to spread the news.
Just a short time later Chicken Licken ran into several enemy players in Cyrodil with 5-piece sets only available in the new paid DLC "OH NO!!" Chicken Licken cried when he ran into Foxy Loxey. "These new OP sets will be the end of ESO! ESO is now Pay to Win!!"
OK, I'm running out of characters - so you just gotta make up your own characters and continue the story for:
SOH sets
1T and level scaling
1T and other assorted changes
Crown Crates
Housing Disappointments