Shadow_Viper_vX wrote: »In before the lock
Shadow_Viper_vX wrote: »In before the lock
Most of my threads get locked eventually. You're not special.
Shadow_Viper_vX wrote: »Shadow_Viper_vX wrote: »In before the lock
Most of my threads get locked eventually. You're not special.
Maybe you should reevaluate your thread posting habits, and that won't happen ;-)
@bg22've been around the forums since, you kinda got the grizzled pvper tone down pretty well...
so, of all these wonderful sets - how many are really worthwhile:
Alessian Order
Almalexia's Mercy
Bastion of the Heartland
Beckoning Steel
Blessing of the Potentates
Buffer of the Swift
Crest of Cyrodiil
Curse Eater
Deadly Strike
Desert Rose
Eagle Eye
Elf Bane
Fasalla's Guile
Grace of the Ancients
Hawk's Eye
Kyne's Kiss
Leki's Focus
Light of Cyrodiil
Marksman's Crest - hello morrowind
Robes of Alteration Mastery - hello morrowind
Shadow Walker
Shield of the Valiant
The Morag Tong
Vengeance Leech
Vicious Death
Ward of Cyrodiil
Warrior's Fury
Wrath of the Imperium
hmmmm, just noticed - transmutation is missing from the list zos put out concerning the update...
now that we'll be seeing them all in our mail - not sure why there are specialized vendors in the towns either...
Edit: I got it, let's keep the vendors, but, only have them selling jewelry and weapons...