I just read the patch and though I have mixed feelings about the changes I was mostly upset that the issue of RNG was not addressed. Vet Maelstrom Arena is an RNG torture chamber. Going after a weapon in 4 or 12 person content is near impossible odds. After hundreds and hundreds of runs in vMA to get a sharpened inferno staff with no success I have put some thought into how to improve RNG. In ESO there are 3 constellations The Warrior, Mage and Serpent. Allow players to choose a blessing from one of these 3 constellations. Nothing game breaking. The Warrior grants 2% hp, stam and mag. The Mage grants 2% spell and wep damage. The Serpent adds 2% spell and wep crit. Beyond these small buff though they decide what loot you receive throughout the game. Categorize items and place them into loot tables based on one of the 3 constellations. Divide weapon traits into support and offense traits. Under the Warriors blessing you'll only receive heavy armoor, shields, 2h and 1h weapons with support traits. Under the Mages blessing you'll only receive light armor, resto staves with support traits and destro staves with offense traits. Under the Serpents blessing you'll only receive medium armor 2h and 1h weapons with offense traits. This does not eliminate RNG but gives players another layer of control over their loot when trying to farm the gear they want. These blessings can be changed similar to mundus stones. These blessing apply to the undaunted chests also giving players even greater control over the RNG nightmare created by having so many sets to choose from. In vMA it would give casual players much greater odds to receive the loot they want... you'll aways have the leaderboard hungry players but for the folks struggling with vMA clears this gives them the hope they'll get just what they're after. With this system that sharpened Rattlecage inferno staff doesn't seem so out of reach... just some thoughts.