I've never bought any crown crates and not sure how it works, what's my chances of getting this mount that way?
Randomaly getting it is pretty small, I know someone has done the research and I wouldn't be surprised if it was 1% or so.
However, and this is never a popular answer, but th crates ARE slightly less then straight lottery tickets. As you get items you don't want you can break them down and get gems which can be used to buy items in the crates. The themed mounts are 400, I believe the one you want is 100.
Admittedly to get the 100 it'll probably cost upwards of 10,000 crowns (around $40 with the current sale), which is kind of rough, but if it's worth it to ya then it's worth it to ya and don't let anyone ever talk you down!
Had a thought on this - since they seem to be marketing Morrowind like its a new game rather than an expansion, they are clearly trying to attract new players so they might put a lot of the old mounts and stuff back in the crown store to give new players a chance to choose from the wider range. Fingers crossed.
I'm told all the time you can put in a ticket and purchase stuff...sadly no. It's lies
Had a thought on this - since they seem to be marketing Morrowind like its a new game rather than an expansion, they are clearly trying to attract new players so they might put a lot of the old mounts and stuff back in the crown store to give new players a chance to choose from the wider range. Fingers crossed.
Here's why: https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/5j6aix/psa_about_crown_store_items/I'm told all the time you can put in a ticket and purchase stuff...sadly no. It's lies
I'm guessing here, but ZOS might try to meet the expectations of new players, and that's to buy the mount of their choice. The crates seem like a huge waste of money with only a chance of getting what you want, I doubt many news players would be impressed they have to try for mounts this way, especially when they realise that if they had been playing the game earlier, they could have just bought what they wanted. New players will expect the same options as original eso players have had, coming to a game late shouldn't automatically penalise anyone.Had a thought on this - since they seem to be marketing Morrowind like its a new game rather than an expansion, they are clearly trying to attract new players so they might put a lot of the old mounts and stuff back in the crown store to give new players a chance to choose from the wider range. Fingers crossed.
Why would ZOS do that? They've been trying to push these casino crates for ages. Surely they'd just rather trump up the casino crates even more and make them seem like the norm for all the new people, instead of pushing more stuff to the store that you can buy outright (gasp what a concept!).
I really wish I'd bought the black senche panther when it was on sale, someone told me you can contact support to purchase mounts so I put a ticket in but was told that I can't buy a mount not currently on sale.
Do old mounts come back into the crown store? It seems crazy ZOS won't take my money for something like this.
I really wish I'd bought the black senche panther when it was on sale, someone told me you can contact support to purchase mounts so I put a ticket in but was told that I can't buy a mount not currently on sale.
Do old mounts come back into the crown store? It seems crazy ZOS won't take my money for something like this.