Warning!! Not for the elitist who only like to stack max resource and roll dodge/ stack shields/ heal spam. Nothing wrong with that play style, but trying to avoid all those coming in here looking for that and then screaming cancer and aids. You have been warned and you need not watch if you don't like anything but vanilla eso that's been long since evolved.
Quick break down I am using 3 different builds in this video
A 2h/bow regenerator build no procs, but i am using troll king (really good open world)
A snb/bow build that utilizes viper on the snb bar and employs major and minor defile on the bow side with fasallas 5 piece. ( nice for keep defense and group play)
A dual wield/ 2h heavy attack proc build that is perma cc immune and snare root immune via forward momentum and unstoppable (crazy strong in 1v1)
I am taking a break from the game for a little while and thought I'd post and share for anyone who cares to watch. I may upload some duel videos with said builds or further elaborate on the builds above, if people are interested.
Anyway all in good fun I hope not to make too many people mad or upset. Also no music to accompany clips just the sounds of eso we all love.
Here's a link to my video