Peekachu99 wrote: »There better be an upgrade mechanism or a serious overhaul to itemization/ tokens AND crafted sets or I'm out.
I haven't heard anything to this effect, though. Everything on record has said that they aren't considering it till after Morrowind.
sodantokb16_ESO wrote: »Better stop listening to rumors. It makes life easier.
I heard in passing that ZOS is considering increasing the CP cap for gear. Please tell me it's not true, please don't tell me I'll have to PVE farm all of my gear again!!
And translation from German forum section:ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »To clarify, we do not plan on raising the gear cap when Morrowind launches in June. We’ll let you know when we plan to raise the gear cap in the future, but it won’t be in Homestead or Morrowind.
In english:ZOS_KaiSchober wrote: »Gerne noch einmal: Details gibt es, wenn sie feststehen.
Jeder hier ist sich bewusst, wie aufwändig die Jagd gerade nach der richtigen Waffe mit der richtigen Eigenschaft ist, und auch wieviel goldene Aufwerter verbraucht werden. Falls wir das Gegenstandscap erhöhen sollten, geschieht das nicht leichtfertig, um all eure Mühen zu entwerten.
One Tamriel gilt für ganz Tamriel, incl. Vvardenfell. Monster haben überall die gleiche Stufe, Spieler werden überall entsprechend angehoben.
In short: CP gear cap is going to be raised at some point, but we don't know when (not with new Morrowind chapter). And if it will be raised it will be done clever way to enshure your current CP 160 gear will still be relevant (CP 160 gear upgrade method maybe ? ?)Once again: Details will be published when we have them.
Everyone here is aware of how hard it is to get those weapons in the perfect trait and how many golden tempers have to be used.
In case we were to increase the gearcap, it would not happen thoughtless, to make all your efforts meaningless.
One Tamriel applies to whole Tamriel, including Vvardenfell. Monsters have the same level everywhere, players are being adjustet accordingly.
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »There was already some official ZOS statement about this: translation from German forum section:ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »To clarify, we do not plan on raising the gear cap when Morrowind launches in June. We’ll let you know when we plan to raise the gear cap in the future, but it won’t be in Homestead or Morrowind.In english:ZOS_KaiSchober wrote: »Gerne noch einmal: Details gibt es, wenn sie feststehen.
Jeder hier ist sich bewusst, wie aufwändig die Jagd gerade nach der richtigen Waffe mit der richtigen Eigenschaft ist, und auch wieviel goldene Aufwerter verbraucht werden. Falls wir das Gegenstandscap erhöhen sollten, geschieht das nicht leichtfertig, um all eure Mühen zu entwerten.
One Tamriel gilt für ganz Tamriel, incl. Vvardenfell. Monster haben überall die gleiche Stufe, Spieler werden überall entsprechend angehoben.In short: CP gear cap is going to be raised at some point, but we don't know when (not with new Morrowind chapter). And if it will be raised it will be done clever way to enshure your current CP 160 gear will still be relevant (CP 160 gear upgrade method maybe ? ?)Once again: Details will be published when we have them.
Everyone here is aware of how hard it is to get those weapons in the perfect trait and how many golden tempers have to be used.
In case we were to increase the gearcap, it would not happen thoughtless, to make all your efforts meaningless.
One Tamriel applies to whole Tamriel, including Vvardenfell. Monsters have the same level everywhere, players are being adjustet accordingly.
I am new to the game and have not yet gotten to a point of worrying about end game gear, but I am confused? Most expansions in any game I've ever played have had a gear change with a significant expansion. Some with even DLC level updates. Why would it be dreadful to have them do it here? I mean now one LIKES the grind, but it's part of the experience, I guess.
With the game's one Tamaiel experience and with expansions being more 'lateral' moves then leveling the character, I kinda see where new gear doesn't matter, but then what do you do after you've finished the content? How do they keep people engaged without soemthing to strive for?
You do not NEED divine monster shoulders. You want them. You can use reinforced, infused or whatever. Not everyone should have BiS gear.
I heard in passing that ZOS is considering increasing the CP cap for gear. Please tell me it's not true, please don't tell me I'll have to PVE farm all of my gear again!!
Explain how you "heard in passing". Sorry, but such a generalization makes it sound like you just made a post to create drama.