RoyalPink06 wrote: »LOL omg i laughed so hard at the "eating questionable things". Thats pure gold right there.
lonewolf26 wrote: »My favorite in-game glitch was one they unfortunately patched a few releases back. You could get many repeating animations to stick to you while you were walking (so long as you didn't press block). This would include all the dances, jumping jacks, and sweep to name a few. You'd first type the emote you wanted to stick, then type /drink3 followed by tapping forward. It would make for some fun things like walking around flailing your arms madly (jumping jacks), sweeping with your equipped weapon and sometimes you'd accidentally stab yourself in the head while playing the flute on the hilt of your sword.
I wish they hadn't fixed it. It was a lot of fun to do when waiting for a group to form for a trial.
Keillieai15 wrote: »I love seeing people running on their mounts. It cracks me up every time.
Keillieai15 wrote: »I love seeing people running on their mounts. It cracks me up every time.
@Tylos001 PM me this. I need need this to get back at a friend to to this day mocks me for jumping in lava to test if it's real.I have a secret lava cave in Stonefalls where if you fall in you don't die, you just fall through into this cool cave!
This is exactly why I jump in it! She asked why I did it and I said "I was testing if the lava was real" and now she constantly mocks me saying "the lava is real" when we go by some.
I know places in this game where lava looks like water yet burns and where lava looks like lava yet doesn't burn
DRXHarbinger wrote: »Banker survey glitch. Made me immensely rich.
MoL sorc streak glitch. Got me 2 moondancer infernos and a pair of swords, reinforced alkosh shields and bis 1hs.
Wrecking_Blow_Spam wrote: »DRXHarbinger wrote: »Banker survey glitch. Made me immensely rich.
MoL sorc streak glitch. Got me 2 moondancer infernos and a pair of swords, reinforced alkosh shields and bis 1hs.
If I could permanently insta-ban people like you, I would gladly do so.
I knew about these glitches and pig farm but didn't partake in them, as Zo$ said it was considered exploiting.