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Vet Trials

Hey guys.

First off, if I posted this in the wrong section, sorry. Thought it might be suitable because, well.. Some players might be able to help me out.
So.. I really need help getting into veteran trials. I have done normal SO, HRC and AA over and over and... Can u guess it? Over. I have never gotten a VO dagger drop. I know the chances of it dropping is extremely small, by the maybe 100-150 trial runs ive done I have seen one person get it. I really really need VO daggers and eventually legendary VO jewelry to complete my build, and to be able to run vMA with my build. Problem is, nobody wants a non-experienced person in their run. I am in 3 different PvE guilds that does vet Trials, but whenever I ask to join I'm asked to link achievement, which I dont have, thus cannot join. I am a stamblade CP457, about 25k single target damage, 60-70k avg. aoe damage, sometimes spiking 120k+. I honestly think that I could be able to participate in vet trials. But then again, its not possible for me to join with no exp. So... The point of my post if asking if anyone would be so kind to invite me to a guild or just a group of people running vet trials, and let me tag on for abit. Would really appreciate it. If you'd be so kind, hit me up @SondreHG in-game (PC EU).

  • Autolycus
    We could spend all day talking about your build and experience, your rotation, etc. But from what you've provided here it sounds like you're ready to start doing vet trials.

    If anyone understands being stuck in limbo between Tier 1 and Tier 2 content, I do. This kind of thing used to happen to me a lot. Best advice I can give is to find a guild that won't force you into that limbo - there's simply no way for you to grow into it if you're never given the chance. There are plenty out there that are willing to give you a shot. If you like the people and guilds you're in already, then maybe you can assert yourself a little more and convince them you can do it. Nobody (ever) knew how to do the trial before they went in for the first time, that should be obvious to anyone. I can understand them turning you down if they were going for a leaderboard spot, because then experience makes a massive difference, but for casual runs that's not a good excuse.

    Weapons and jewelry are easier to get in vet trials, so you're on the right track for getting what you need. I know saying "ask again" isn't the most helpful advice, but if they aren't going to give you a chance then you should find someone who will. Worst case scenario, they take you along and you don't do well. Big deal. It's not like you're asking to be one of their uber competitive players, you just want to run the next tier up. And for what it's worth, if your self-buffed parse on a training dummy is 25k, you're just fine to do vSO, vAA, and vHRC. You'd ideally want higher dps for vMoL; this is probably fine as a minimum but there's room to grow beyond that for sure (and to get there, you need gear, so it's a catch-22 if you don't ever get a chance to participate).
  • FlyLionel
    Hey guys.

    First off, if I posted this in the wrong section, sorry. Thought it might be suitable because, well.. Some players might be able to help me out.
    So.. I really need help getting into veteran trials. I have done normal SO, HRC and AA over and over and... Can u guess it? Over. I have never gotten a VO dagger drop. I know the chances of it dropping is extremely small, by the maybe 100-150 trial runs ive done I have seen one person get it. I really really need VO daggers and eventually legendary VO jewelry to complete my build, and to be able to run vMA with my build. Problem is, nobody wants a non-experienced person in their run. I am in 3 different PvE guilds that does vet Trials, but whenever I ask to join I'm asked to link achievement, which I dont have, thus cannot join. I am a stamblade CP457, about 25k single target damage, 60-70k avg. aoe damage, sometimes spiking 120k+. I honestly think that I could be able to participate in vet trials. But then again, its not possible for me to join with no exp. So... The point of my post if asking if anyone would be so kind to invite me to a guild or just a group of people running vet trials, and let me tag on for abit. Would really appreciate it. If you'd be so kind, hit me up @SondreHG in-game (PC EU).


    Bro do what I did and just farm Vhel ra. The trial is very easy if you have a group that knows what they are doing period. You'll get it! Start your own group in any case as well, never take a handout. Good luck.
    The Flyers
  • SondreGrande
    @Autolycus @FlyLionel thank you both for reply. As for the guilds, no those guilds is not with people I have to stay with, so I'll probably find a friendlier guild that is more acceptable to players like me. I guess I will just try again and again until I finally find someone to do trials with :P Its just the fact that I've tried for months now to get into vet trials, and at this point Im almost at the point of giving up, trashing the build im trying to complete and find a new build. Ohwell, thanks alot for the tips! Hit me up if you plan to do any trials ;)
  • Autolycus
    I would love to help you out, unfortunately I am on PC/NA so there's not much I can do :(
  • FlyLionel
    @Autolycus @FlyLionel thank you both for reply. As for the guilds, no those guilds is not with people I have to stay with, so I'll probably find a friendlier guild that is more acceptable to players like me. I guess I will just try again and again until I finally find someone to do trials with :P Its just the fact that I've tried for months now to get into vet trials, and at this point Im almost at the point of giving up, trashing the build im trying to complete and find a new build. Ohwell, thanks alot for the tips! Hit me up if you plan to do any trials ;)

    Im on ps4 NA, not sure about yourself. I would recommend dropping that build only because that rng is worst than vma
    The Flyers
  • Syrani
    I have sent you a PM.
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