So the Doom wolf mount was a limited edition mount, at first.
Then it was made available on the crown crate system ( storm crates ), I know 3 people who got it within 4 crates (good for them!

I just received a mail with the following title:
Get a Doom Wolf Mount for ESO with The Elder Scrolls Legends – Now Available
So ESO has a new card game ( similar to magic the gathering / Heartstone / Yugi Oh ect. ) it looks quite cool I must say

However... my question is this:
Do you think giving the Doom wolf so much exposure and possibilities for acquisition has lowered the value?
My 2 cents is it has definitely, especially for people who bought it with crowns originally ( like myself ). There are older mounts that are more "valuable" simply because they are not as common as this one due to being given so much exposure.
So what my point is, is this: There should be a bit more diversity with regards to the mounts being put up as "prizes" otherwise it just devalues the product.
Please let me know your thoughts guys
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