So, to report another player it says I need to select their name in the chat box and then select Report Player. However, when I select the player's name, no Report option is present. Therefore, I need some help figuring out how to report a guy who's been harassing me for over a week straight now for no other reason than "I'm in the same zone as him." I've been threatened and called every name in the book by this guy at this point, and it's getting old. I'm just minding my own business farming and all of a sudden for no reason at all this guy decides to make it his life's mission to harass me nonstop whenever he sees me. I took some screenshots of it the last couple of times as proof because even though I now have him blocked, he's still managing to do it. This is on PS4 by the way.
Edited by ShadowProctor on April 6, 2017 7:25PM "My beautiful abomination, how you shine in the dark." - Lamae Bal
- Guildmaster of the Shadow Sect (PS4/NA/DC).