Health, like all max stats, is affected by cp spent in corresponding constellations, 1 red cp is roughly +0.01% to your max health.
It might be worth it but I am still confused why it's so low. As I said it's sadly been a long time since I was there but when I do a reset I rarely find myself that low on health without SP/CP spent.I should point out that I went ham on Stamina attribute points as every video suggested, maybe that's something I should reconsider and add atleast 10 points into HP like @Turelus suggested
Also shouldn't all characters regardless of race/class without any invested SP/CP have the same base health? Have you done a full skill/attribute/CP reset on two character OP to check they're equal?
lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »Everything sounds totally right. Easy solution to your problem, eat food that increases your max hp and your max stam.
Also shouldn't all characters regardless of race/class without any invested SP/CP have the same base health? Have you done a full skill/attribute/CP reset on two character OP to check they're equal?
You said you have 9k base, so +5k from food, +6% from UD, something like +4% from 400 more cp, I think +2% for 1 heavy piece and you'll get the ~16k glass canons have. To get more you'll need health enchants; personally I wouldn't bother with changing attributes because it's easier to change enchants/gear when you want to change something than respec atributes every time but that's up to you. Also keep in mind a lot of people are running sets with 1 or 2 max health bonuses such as some monster sets and/or, for example, TBS(not saying you have to run these but that'd explain higher health on some other people).For sure yeah! but I don't see any food increasing your hp by 10k
Also shouldn't all characters regardless of race/class without any invested SP/CP have the same base health? Have you done a full skill/attribute/CP reset on two character OP to check they're equal?
OP(from my understanding) is comparing a lvl 3 that's getting full benefits of battle leveling to a cp 160+ character that is no longer getting any. To compare them appropriately he'd either need to level his new DK to lvl 50 and get him same gear/food/stuff or make a brand new NB, which would also profit from battle leveling at level 3 and have same op health.You said you have 9k base, so +5k from food, +6% from UD, something like +4% from 400 more cp, I think +2% for 1 heavy piece and you'll get the ~16k glass canons have. To get more you'll need health enchants; personally I wouldn't bother with changing attributes because it's easier to change enchants/gear when you want to change something than respec atributes every time but that's up to you. Also keep in mind a lot of people are running sets with 1 or 2 max health bonuses such as some monster sets and/or, for example, TBS(not saying you have to run these but that'd explain higher health on some other people).For sure yeah! but I don't see any food increasing your hp by 10k
For now, if I were you, I'd just enchant 2-3 armor pieces with health. If you still feel squishy, make it all 7 enchanted with health or perhaps wear 2 heavy+5 medium until you get that UD passive.
Sounds about right to me, I have 11k base on my sorc I think but I do have UD passive and 600 cp.
My Stamblade sits at ~18k unbuffed and ~22k with food.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »It basically works out to "buy 2, get one free" on stats. For instance if you put a full Stam glyph on chest and a full Health glyph on Head, you'd get +S +H, obviously. Put prismatics on both and you still get the +H +S, but you also get +M (without requiring a third glyph, or a piece to put it on.)