Kneighbors wrote: »After all we are all for quests\farming there. Anyone coming there for AP must be pretty much wasting his time.
Personally I'm never starting a fight there. Only when I see someone really obsessed with trying to kill me I enter a fight.
I feel miserable tearing a new one in a cp10 pve fella with my invincible to him pvp cp600 build in those places.
Kneighbors wrote: »
Kneighbors wrote: »After all we are all for quests\farming there. Anyone coming there for AP must be pretty much wasting his time.
Personally I'm never starting a fight there. Only when I see someone really obsessed with trying to kill me I enter a fight.
I feel miserable tearing a new one in a cp10 pve fella with my invincible to him pvp cp600 build in those places.
I think that the PVP element makes the very boring PVE quests a bit spicy! You can't just lumber around in plain sight, talking to NPCs & looking at your map... you have to be a bit stealthy OR aggressive. All the PVE quests in these areas are just simple fetch quests that are in every other zone in Tamriel. It seems (to me) to be a bit odd that some players still want more of the same in Cyrodiil.
golfer.dub17_ESO wrote: »When I do win, I love rubbing it in their face how much of a piece of garbage they are and how badly they failed.
golfer.dub17_ESO wrote: »I think that the PVP element makes the very boring PVE quests a bit spicy! You can't just lumber around in plain sight, talking to NPCs & looking at your map... you have to be a bit stealthy OR aggressive. All the PVE quests in these areas are just simple fetch quests that are in every other zone in Tamriel. It seems (to me) to be a bit odd that some players still want more of the same in Cyrodiil.
I don't do PvE quests in Cyrodiil to be entertained. I do them because they're a fast and easy way to get gold and XP. They could be the best written quests in the world, they'd still get old because you do them every day.
Anything that breaks the flow of this process is just annoying to me, whether it be PvP encounters or having to go all the way out to some Ayleid ruin.
golfer.dub17_ESO wrote: »I accept that they were the superior opponent.
But I'm not the one ganking people in quest zones for amusement. If you try to gank me and fail you best believe I'm going to BM the hell out of it.
I'm pretty sure that's the very reason they have such good rewards. Because risk vs reward factor - you can, will, and are fully intended to run into PvP when doing it;)