Eso plus

I just subscribed to eso for 6 months and I cannot find where it tells me how much time I have left??
  • Sigtric
    Right hand side of the main account page
    Edited by Sigtric on April 5, 2017 5:42AM

    Stormproof: Vibeke - 50 EP mDragonknight | Savi Dreloth - 50 EP Magsorc | Sadi Dreloth - 50 EP Magblade | Sigtric Stormaxe - 50 EP Stamsorc | Valora Dreloth - 50 EP Magplar | Sigtric the Unbearable 50 EP Stam Warden
    Scrub: Chews-on-Beavers - 50 EP DK Tank | Vera the Wild - 50 EP magicka Warden | Sigtric the Axe - 50 EP Dragonknight Crafter | Sigtric the Blade - 50 EP Lost Nightblade | Sigtric the Savage - 50 EP magicka Templar | Vibeka Shadowblade - 50 Ep Stealthy Ganky Nightblade |

    Show Me Your Dunmer
  • kalimar44
    I've checked and it doesn't say anything about my ps 4 eso plus. It just says my account is active.
  • dposdb14_ESO
    You can check by going to your ps4 homescreen. Up top go to settings -> playstation network/account management -> account information -> services list. You should see eso there, go in and you'll see a list, click the one that says subscription next to it and it will show there.
  • kalimar44
    You can check by going to your ps4 homescreen. Up top go to settings -> playstation network/account management -> account information -> services list. You should see eso there, go in and you'll see a list, click the one that says subscription next to it and it will show there.

    Thank you. :)
  • dposdb14_ESO
    Np, you can check your ps+ doing the same thing but instead of going to services list you would instead go to playstation subscriptions.
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