I am playing in PvP currently as a magdk. Right now I am only level 13, and my only attacks are flame lash / morphed searing strike DOT. I would like to know what 5 skills to keep on my bar. Should I go 5 for combat and 5 for escaping/minimizing damage when you know you're gonna be zerged? Also you should know I have and will be keeping all of my points into magicka.
A question about healing..How many do I keep and what should they be when I respec? I already have obsidian shard (seems rather useless to me, in combat I am always healed for 2k MAX?), the burning embers, and I have unlocked dragon blood. Now does this mean I should use green blood or coagulated?
Now to the damage. What skills and their morphs do I take? Sounds like flame lash is very good considering it actually heals, thought you need to hit a player once or twice to enable it. I'm asking this right now because the wiki gives nothing but base effects, no numbers at all which means it's hard to gauge what sucks and what is relatively OP.
Since Earthen Heart is pure tanking, do you think I could even bother with that line or no? Appears that I will be using the AOE and DOT skills most often. Are any of the skills essential to place in at least one slot..fossilize or perhaps even molten armaments for the 40% damage on heavy attacks?
I apologize if this is rather lengthy, but I need to understand the DK skills so I won't just blindly spam them in combat like I've been doing. Most people on here are "street smart", which means they know how to effectively use it, when to and when not to, etc. I'm counting on you guys!
Thanks for any replies, though.