Ok, let me start with: **** this **** to the **** abyss and **** beyond. Phew. Sorry.
So me and my guildies finally went there for a dat awesome skin. After 4 hours we gave up. Considering that then, without HM, we simply breezed through it (and teabagged that **** for good measure), I think it's fair to assume that we are good with our roles. We just simply don't see something.
The problem are the guys with shields. The ones who cast Stones with huge dmg. Is there any way to prevent this from happening?
After first illusion one guy becomes Ghost (that's how we called the one who must kill the statue). If that alignes with this Stone aoe - the Ghost dies, no way out. The dmg from statue (which you ofc try to avoid by moving, but still) + Stones = certain death. Stones stun you, the statue does the rest. Then most probably wipe. If it's a healer - certain wipe.
You obviously can't kill them until the illusion phase (the illusions of previous bosses). We tried, they just respawn.
Also at some points we even had two of them at once o_O Wtf?
The Ghost thing, those guys and the totem is just too much. Is there any way to remove Stones from the picture? Or only git gut? And if only git gut, any tips about tactic?
English isn't my native, apologies for any mistakes.