Yeah, as has been said, the achievements from it are character-bound, so if you did the event in 2016, you won't have to do it again in 2017... with -that- character. And of course the special collectibles from those runeboxes are account wide once unlocked. On your alts on the other hand, well, that's a different character, so if you want to, you can complete the event achievements on them again. Or not, since you already did it on your main. Your choice.I'm trying to find a list of things that are account wide in ESO? I've googled my question and have yet to find a list anywhere. I'm not just talking dyes and stuff I also want to know about the holiday events. If I complete it 100% on one toon, is that account bound? Like will it say somewhere 'oh you completed this in 2016. No need to do it again in 2017' (as an example)
So? if you really cannot stand that, well, you know those riding lessions they sell in the crown store...?GreenhaloX wrote: »Son a beach! I wish the mount's abilities are account-wide. I have maxed out abilities for the mount with my first toon. It is a pain in the arse having to wait every freaking 20 hours in order to be able to purchase "one" single training thing for the mount, for each new toon...
Avran_Sylt wrote: »Titles are Character bound as they are usually tied to achievements (also character bound).
Not sure about the home owner titles though. Though since the houses are account bound, it may just unlock the achievements automatically on new characters.
Collections are account bound (but unsure about mementos)
Avran_Sylt wrote: »Titles are Character bound as they are usually tied to achievements (also character bound).
Not sure about the home owner titles though. Though since the houses are account bound, it may just unlock the achievements automatically on new characters.
Collections are account bound (but unsure about mementos)
Avran_Sylt wrote: »Titles are Character bound as they are usually tied to achievements (also character bound).
Not sure about the home owner titles though. Though since the houses are account bound, it may just unlock the achievements automatically on new characters.
Collections are account bound (but unsure about mementos)
Thanks all! I've been toying with the idea of a new toon but knowing I'll have to train my mount over again, I just don't feel like it's worth it.
I've completed so much on my current too. I just can't push myself to complete the daggerfall covenant story line. I have no clue why. I want that achievement but completing the line just feels like such a grind
sorry for necroing this lol... i thought might as well ask here instead of creating a new thread...
so are the dyes rewards from level 32 account wide as well? what i mean is if an alt use it, then that dye is now account wide?? i know it says in the tooltip character bound, but im really curious if the "unlocked" dye becomes available for other alts...
i googled, but did not find any answer.. so here i am actually being a mag necro lol..