I've played a lot this week to take advantage of the double XP and have seen botters (not all at a dolmen rubber banding) and at least five gold sellers that I've reported. It's taken time out of my game play and I've had to spend time moving screenshots from my PS4 to my PC to attach to the replies I'm making to the support emails. If people are having to spend time they could be playing making cheater reports instead, it seems like there should be some kind of in-game reward for making these reports. Maybe some gold or a little XP or something. As it is, I feel like I'm doing all this work for no discernible purpose and it's getting discouraging going to Iluvamir dolmen and seeing 15 or more people parked there doing heavy attacks at all hours of the day and night, stacks of identical toons farming werewolves in Camlorn, and "good news! go to greedygoldseller.com $89 for 1M gold" posts in zone chat.
I guess I don't know how it could be implemented though. If it was handed out just on the basis of making a report I can see how that could be abused, and if it was based on the investigation results that would be giving information away ZOS apparently wants kept private. It would be nice to get some kind of bounty payment for doing this though.