Okay, so I collected my coveted Rattlecage set on VoM. I got "Omen's Edge" x 2 "Forbidden Jewels Necklace" and "Gem of Curses Ring" x 2 to complete a 5 piece set that will be highly useful on any of my characters.
To be honest, it was not the most frustrating grind I have ever done. Perhaps I got really lucky?
I think I ran the dungeon 50 times or less and I got all the pieces. I soloed the dungeon a few times and got NO drops of the equipment I wanted. I was ina 4-person group every time that I got the drop I wanted and did not have to trade or buy the gear that I wanted.
Is there a lesson here that running in a 4-person group is the best way to increase your chance of getting the desired gear? Or was I just really lucky?
People in zone and in my groups chatted with me when they found out what I wanted and were like "Why you doing that, don't you realize that item will only drop 1/300 times?" Well, I just continued to group through group finder and I got the set.
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