AverageJo3Gam3r wrote: »@DRXHarbinger this is for PvP. Not PvE.
31k health is usually a little higher than I like to run. See if there are ways you can give up a little health to gain some magicka or stamina. Otherwise, the build looks solid on paper. Basically stay defensive until you have an ult. Wait for BSW to proc, pop potion then burst.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »AverageJo3Gam3r wrote: »@DRXHarbinger this is for PvP. Not PvE.
31k health is usually a little higher than I like to run. See if there are ways you can give up a little health to gain some magicka or stamina. Otherwise, the build looks solid on paper. Basically stay defensive until you have an ult. Wait for BSW to proc, pop potion then burst.
So? Have you even tanked? 1 dodge roll and block is nearly 1/3rd of that stamina pool. Get a templar chuck a spear at you and toppling charge in and start jabbing and you're block is gone, no block and that is well and truly dead meat. That recovery is also too low to rum talons / fossilise / chains and more importantly as all stats are just a little too low. Battle roar won't have a lot of effect tbh. A half decent magika pool is not for a tank at all. Some noob would run along with shield breaker on a bow build and kill you in a few seconds. Not to mention at even half that stamina he'd be lucky to block one hefty soul assault from a 80k healthplar which will fry him.
Being able to block and sustain is paramount to tanking. This is not a tank build. Heavy armor and a shield does not make you a tank. Contrary to half of them arriving via group finder. Those resistances aren't great either. Can easily add 5k to them.
psychotic13 wrote: »You'll be focusing on trying to proc your both sets and lose focus on the fight infront of you imo, and that equals death.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »AverageJo3Gam3r wrote: »@DRXHarbinger this is for PvP. Not PvE.
31k health is usually a little higher than I like to run. See if there are ways you can give up a little health to gain some magicka or stamina. Otherwise, the build looks solid on paper. Basically stay defensive until you have an ult. Wait for BSW to proc, pop potion then burst.
So? Have you even tanked? 1 dodge roll and block is nearly 1/3rd of that stamina pool. Get a templar chuck a spear at you and toppling charge in and start jabbing and you're block is gone, no block and that is well and truly dead meat. That recovery is also too low to rum talons / fossilise / chains and more importantly as all stats are just a little too low. Battle roar won't have a lot of effect tbh. A half decent magika pool is not for a tank at all. Some noob would run along with shield breaker on a bow build and kill you in a few seconds. Not to mention at even half that stamina he'd be lucky to block one hefty soul assault from a 80k healthplar which will fry him.
Being able to block and sustain is paramount to tanking. This is not a tank build. Heavy armor and a shield does not make you a tank. Contrary to half of them arriving via group finder. Those resistances aren't great either. Can easily add 5k to them.
FloppyTouch wrote: »I must be playing mdk wrong bc I never had more then 800ish magic recovery on any build XD I solo pvp a lot and never had an issue I must be missing something or just really use to low recovery
DRXHarbinger wrote: »psychotic13 wrote: »You'll be focusing on trying to proc your both sets and lose focus on the fight infront of you imo, and that equals death.
That's what I mean. No alchemist or spell weave and it's sitting at a measly 2k damage tops. Fighting off ranged attackers will be a death sentence. I could kill that build with my poisonous serpent build in a few seconds once that mediocre stam pool is gone. A few Ccs as soon as I see that root is sticking, crit rush+negate and goodbye. Increase cost poisons...good luck spamming blood.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »psychotic13 wrote: »You'll be focusing on trying to proc your both sets and lose focus on the fight infront of you imo, and that equals death.
That's what I mean. No alchemist or spell weave and it's sitting at a measly 2k damage tops. Fighting off ranged attackers will be a death sentence. I could kill that build with my poisonous serpent build in a few seconds once that mediocre stam pool is gone. A few Ccs as soon as I see that root is sticking, crit rush+negate and goodbye. Increase cost poisons...good luck spamming blood.
here we go ignoring that mDK has a reflect again...
DRXHarbinger wrote: »DRXHarbinger wrote: »psychotic13 wrote: »You'll be focusing on trying to proc your both sets and lose focus on the fight infront of you imo, and that equals death.
That's what I mean. No alchemist or spell weave and it's sitting at a measly 2k damage tops. Fighting off ranged attackers will be a death sentence. I could kill that build with my poisonous serpent build in a few seconds once that mediocre stam pool is gone. A few Ccs as soon as I see that root is sticking, crit rush+negate and goodbye. Increase cost poisons...good luck spamming blood.
here we go ignoring that mDK has a reflect again...
Reflect doesn't reflect serpent procs. Wings at over 4k cost cannot outlast a spam bow build whilst trying to heal yourself. Takes longer to regen then wings last for. Double in fact. Again cost increase poison 6.6k cast cost. Assuming you see it coming before hand too.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »psychotic13 wrote: »You'll be focusing on trying to proc your both sets and lose focus on the fight infront of you imo, and that equals death.
That's what I mean. No alchemist or spell weave and it's sitting at a measly 2k damage tops. Fighting off ranged attackers will be a death sentence. I could kill that build with my poisonous serpent build in a few seconds once that mediocre stam pool is gone. A few Ccs as soon as I see that root is sticking, crit rush+negate and goodbye. Increase cost poisons...good luck spamming blood.
here we go ignoring that mDK has a reflect again...
Eh. Not really. It's not like BSW is exactly hard for DK's to proc, since they'll be dealing pretty much 100% fire damage. Just chug a potion at the start of the fight and go melt someone's face off. BSW will sort itself out.psychotic13 wrote: »You'll be focusing on trying to proc your both sets and lose focus on the fight infront of you imo, and that equals death.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »DRXHarbinger wrote: »psychotic13 wrote: »You'll be focusing on trying to proc your both sets and lose focus on the fight infront of you imo, and that equals death.
That's what I mean. No alchemist or spell weave and it's sitting at a measly 2k damage tops. Fighting off ranged attackers will be a death sentence. I could kill that build with my poisonous serpent build in a few seconds once that mediocre stam pool is gone. A few Ccs as soon as I see that root is sticking, crit rush+negate and goodbye. Increase cost poisons...good luck spamming blood.
here we go ignoring that mDK has a reflect again...
Reflect doesn't reflect serpent procs. Wings at over 4k cost cannot outlast a spam bow build whilst trying to heal yourself. Takes longer to regen then wings last for. Double in fact. Again cost increase poison 6.6k cast cost. Assuming you see it coming before hand too.
That's all fine and good, but you can cherry pick a counter to every build. I've literally run this exact same setup with Bloodspawn instead of skoria and been VERY successful and I'm a 3/10 mDK. In open world, particularly solo, your whole existence as an mDK depends on people not running things that directly counter you. ATM, the moment a build that the damage and tankiness to go toe to toe with the mDK enters a fight your 1vX is on the line, roots and CC spam is useless if he wants to be in your face anyway, the best way to avoid that is more damage, with the caveat that you need to be able to sustain.
Not unless you have a ton of ultimate generation and/or slot really cheap ultimates. Sure, a build that can throw out Leaps like candy will probably be okay relying on Battle Roar for sustain, but if you're running abilities like Eye of Flame, Shooting Star, or Standard of Might, and you don't use Bloodspawn and/or Dragonguard/Shalk, then you're going to have some problems if you don't build in some recovery.KingYogi415 wrote: »DK's can ignore recovery because their ulti is so OP.