Tamriel Crafters - Crafting and sharing deconstruction and research items, mats and recipes

Soul Shriven
Hello everyone.

So, as an aspiring master crafter myself, I realised that levelling all the crafts, finding items for trait research and deconstruction can be pretty time consuming and/or complicated. Therefore I decided to open a guild dedicated to crafting, so that we can all help each other level our crafting, and so that master crafters always have a place to find mats and so on.

And so Tamriel Crafters has been created.

The idea is that one person can craft and item with particular trait, then submit it to the guild bank, so someone else can withdraw it and use it for research or deconstruction. We could also share mats and unwanted/doubled recipes this way, so that all our characters learn as fast as possible.

Once we reach 50 members we can open a store, to sell our creations to outsiders, or to sell rare recipes/motifs among ourselves. I would also love being able to do 'made-to-order' crafting.

I am looking for active members, especially the ones who would like to help to develop such a guild. The guild is still very much so under development, and ideas how it should work are very much welcome. Once we have several members, we could even open a facebook page or something to make it easier to share and discuss among ourselves.

Everyone is welcome, so if you think you want to join, post your PSN here or message me in game. My PSN is PestisTheRacoon. Also, feel free to invite your friends, as I think the more the merrier.
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