Hello all,
I have been in Maelstrom Arena 5-6 times in the last year. I've completed it somewhere near 100 times early on to get all my Maelstrom weapons back when the only traits that dropped were Defending, Sharpened and Precise. Outside of scores, there is almost NO reason to go through Maelstrom Arena for many players. I'm also in the position where I find it mindnumbing to sit in a public dungeon for hours and hours hoping for a good sharpened weapon. In an effort to breath some new life into the very, very dead Arena, I propose a complete loot overhaul.
Step #1: Gold per chest starts at 200 and increases by 200 for each arena in Veteran Maelstrom Arena. Stays at a static value of 200 for normal. This serves two functions. To not dissuade players going for their first complete & score due to rising repair costs and provides those who can clear the Arena a sizable chunk of gold at the end of it to make it worthwhile to run.
Step #2: Augment the chests to drop specific items slots. 1-5 = Armor. 6-7 Jewelry. 8-9 Weapons.
Step #3: Allow the players to choose (2) zones for their preferred drops. Item drops will then be regulated to those zones specifically. For example, say I feel like farming 7th Legion and Werewolf Hide. I simply select Glenumbra & Bangkorai as my zones for preferred drops. Ideally, you could remove all the wares off Fruit Nar-Whal Whale or whatever his name is and have him sell zone vouchers which then augment the loots drops. You cannot purchase more than 2 once entering VMA and they expire upon exiting the arena, logging out, going into Normal Maelstrom or completing the arena.
Step #4: In order to not obliterate the market, all items should be BOP.