Argonian-DragonKnight-PvE (tank/fun play)
Llambris monster helm set - when you deal fire/lightening damage, you have 10% chance to proc the same as a rainstorm from above
Storm Knight 5pc heavy armor all sturdy - when you take non-physical damage you have 10% chance to proc electric Aoe (3 pulses)
Thunderbug 5pc jewelry and 1h/sh & lightening staff - when you take physical damage you have 50% chance to proc electric AoE blast
NOTE: the proc effects are super cool (if you like electricity and lightening
The three sets basically form a continuous chain of procs... plus when you drop lightening AoE wall of elements and Lightening Storm ultimate.
NOTE: there was bug zapper build a long time ago, but it has long since been put to rest... that build was long before the monster sets came out.. and it was for PvP.