SunDrenched wrote: »Oh, so they do exist. I've never seen them in any guild stores, though. In that case, disregard.
disintegr8 wrote: »I don't think many people would sell the MWs considering kutas are fairly easy to get. I have had a couple buy with nearly a stack of kutas, I just do them.
disintegr8 wrote: »I don't think many people would sell the MWs considering kutas are fairly easy to get. I have had a couple buy with nearly a stack of kutas, I just do them.
The Kuta/Hakeijo writ exists. I've got one. Sadly I didn't think much of it and didn't take a picture. IIRC, it was, as you mentioned, somewhere in range 36..40.Reorx_Holybeard wrote: »Both Kuta and Hakejo master writs exist but are relatively rare. I also assume a Kuta + Hakejo writ is possible with a 36-40 voucher reward but haven't seen it myself.