So on March 20th around 6 p.m. I logged in and checked mail and pulled around 220,000 gold from sales. I went to deposit in my guild
Guild bank and and logged out. Then I signed out and logged in on another character and it was gone. I sent two different tickets at two different times, because I have not been getting a response. When I did it grt a response it wawas for them to tell me that my first ticket was invalid and that I need to submit report under item help, even though they asked me for all of my information like: character name, amount of gold, and the time. So I go to submit another report under item assistance and you cannot type anything in you can only open inventory and highlight an item your having a problem with...not gold. So now it's been a day since I heard anything else, and now they are telling me that they are receiving high volume in reports and to let them know if you're issue has been resolved or not. I sent in my information now for the 4th time. Is there anyone I can contact that can give me a straight answer? On my other account this happened, but with 1.3 million gold, and I got it back that day. I don't have 5th at much gold, and that was almost half of what I had. Hopefully someone can get on the ball soon about this because it's very discouraging that you can put hours in a game just for a glitch to completely take away everything you have done and then not have anyone respond to you with any type of help. Nothing to mention on my main account I've been an esoteric plus subscriber for well over a year and spent between 500 and 600 dollars on this game. So much for very little