So currently, you can let guildies enter your house and let people know in the MOTD, but it's still just your house with no real connection to the guild. Now, you can claim keeps in Cyrodiil and it'll show up in your guild, but nobody really cares too much about that. Why not do something similar with guilds and houses? Create a guild power to assign a house as the guild house with special benefits and show the guild house as prominently on the guild screen as the Cyrodiil keeps that are constantly changing hands and nobody really cares about. Perhaps you can access the guild store through merchants in the house and the guild bank through the banker. Being able to hang banners that take the design of the guild tabard when the house is assigned to a guild would also be super neat. Little touches like this would really make guild houses actually feel like an intended part of the game rather than some thing you can do, don't you think?
More things to put in houses would be nice, but added housing features to make housing feel important and not just a fun side activity would be great.
Aldmeri Dominion -J'Ualizz - Siphons-Spirits - S'Renrij - Byz Only Sweeps - Winds-Roots
Daggerfall Covenant - Lucky Lakhim
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