Ahnastashia wrote: »Nope.. I'd rather have the option to play solo or group with others if I want to.
If I recall correctly, Wrothgar was a far more popular dlc zone than Craglorn. People complained they couldn't find groups to complete Craglorn because other players had already completed the quests and weren't willing to do it again. So anyone new to the zone was pretty much SOL. It changed for the better with One Tamriel but not enough, in my opinion.
Morrowind is supposed to be huge. How huge? I'm not sure. Suppose to be the biggest area since game released so that means it should be bigger than craglorn. There's plenty of space to have solo and group content in Morrowind. The open world is a joke to veteran players and the end game is lacking.
I assuming that it's going to be the same as any other areas, so **** easy which makes the open world so boring. The only reason I'm getting it is cause of the trial. We'll also because of the collectors edition too lol. I want the physical items that comes with it. Hopefully Zeni surprises me and had some difficulty to the content.
Game is being catered to the casuals.
The problem with Craglorn originally was that it was a somewhat too hard overland and that quests and instances was messed up, you had to group with players at your quest stage to do main quest for one.If I recall correctly, Wrothgar was a far more popular dlc zone than Craglorn. People complained they couldn't find groups to complete Craglorn because other players had already completed the quests and weren't willing to do it again. So anyone new to the zone was pretty much SOL. It changed for the better with One Tamriel but not enough, in my opinion.
So yeah, you guys had that kind of content in the past and the zone was pretty much dead.
SquareSausage wrote: »Nope, its a *** pain having to find people to do overland group quests, bringing that back would just make the area a ghost town.
Blacksmoke wrote: »No please o.O Havent even done anything in Craglorn yet because of this
MLGProPlayer wrote: »Blacksmoke wrote: »No please o.O Havent even done anything in Craglorn yet because of this
It's all soloable if you are a high enough level. I've completed all of the group content with my CP 400+ character. It's not particularly difficult either, just hard enough to keep you alert. You should try it.
It's a lot more fun than normal delves and public dungeons.
Blacksmoke wrote: »No please o.O Havent even done anything in Craglorn yet because of this
MLGProPlayer wrote: »Ahnastashia wrote: »Nope.. I'd rather have the option to play solo or group with others if I want to.
Half the content can be soloed at any level. The other half can be soloed at a high level, or completed as a group at low levels.
Craglorn's type as an "adventure zone" was a failure. Murkmire was supposed to be like the original Craglorn and got scrapped.
I like to believe that ZOS has more sense than to release a paid expansion that caters only to a minority of skilled players. Overworld content is supposed to be accessible to everyone (and even so, sometimes you will see new people struggling with quest bosses...). You can have your trials and group dungeons, but leave overwold alone for those who just want to relax and enjoy the stories.